Rules? Probably not. Being a PNW logging type is an important qualification, especially if you're a busted up PNW logging type. And, since anybody who stays in this business long enough gets busted up, even the younger guys qualify. They'll get theirs soon enough.
There's extra points given for originality in thought and language. Bragging, stretching the truth, creative insults, and adding colorful details are not only allowed, they're encouraged. Flat out lying, like claiming you've cut down two million trees, is a disqualifying factor.
Non logger types are okay. There are some people on AS who aren't loggers but they think like loggers. Make sense? We'll even let SlowP and Smokechase in...their practicality and sense of humor make up for being a civil servant. Most of the time, anyway.
People like 2Dogs, TreeSlingr, Tek9Tim, Burvol, Humptulips, Busheler, SILogger, Joesawyer, and a whole bunch more I'll probably catch hell for leaving out are in automatically.
The rest of you? Bring it. Especially if you're a decent saw mechanic or know where we can get a good deal on chokers.
Gary...this okay with you?