My wife convinced me to tell this story so here goes.... I work for BestBuy have for 11yrs I spend probably 50 to 55% of my time teaching people how to use their electronics as I do selling, people come in all the time from the other stores asking for me so I can show them how to use the stuff they just bought! I don't ever think that much about it! I just do it.
Anyways as some of you may know I bought 4 acres of land next to my best friend and I will be building our new home there (it's a surprise he doesn't know) as the story goes I got a few days off and decided to do some clean up, took both saws with new chains and started, after a hour the chains were really getting dull and with my very limited experience I knew I probably needed to stop and put new chains on. Dumb ass me in my haste forgot the chains
So as I was driving I remembered a sign I saw that said, we sharpen chainsaw chains, so I went in, it was a decent size store clean but definitely a ma and pa place. I walked up to the counter and asked the older gentlemen if he would sharpen my chains and I said I would pick them up in the morning. He said sure and asked how my day was going!
I was pretty nasty,tired and pissed because I didn't get accomplished what I wanted to and I know it was because of my inexperience with saws and cutting and that's why my chains dulled prematurely! I guess he could tell I was frustrated and didn't say much else,he got my info and I signed his paper and started to leave.
As I was leaving the gentlemen told me to hold on for a second, he walked up to his sign and flipped the sign over from open to close(it was about 2pm) and told me to follow him. We went into the back he grabbed my 5100, put a chain on it and I followed him to the back of the store. He handed it to me and told me to start cutting(he had some logs on some saw horses) so I started the saw and started my cut.
Thirty seconds into the cut he stopped me and said let my show you how! I spent 2HOURS there and it was probably the best learning experience I can ever remember. I was absolutely dumbfounded that someone would spend that much time with a total stranger! I must have thanked him a thousand times and told him I will tell all my friends about his kindness and to buy from him. I was honest and told him I would buy everything I could from him but it probably wouldn't be alot since I already had most of what I needed!
I tried everything to pay for his time, said wasn't necessary, offered to buy something, again not necessary! He simply put his hand on my shoulder and said that he makes a good living and every now and then he would treat himself to a glass of Crown special reserve and he was happy!!!!
The next day I ordered the biggest bottle of Crown Special Reserve I could, had the wife wrap it and set it on his counter with a very heart felt thank you note and left. I really have to say that was one of the coolest experiences in my life. Some of you might think this is kinda corny because this how you live your life(sawing,felling etc...) but you see... I don't. I can tell you what ever you want to know about HDTV or blueray and gps and how to use them but for the first time in a long time, somebody stopped and took the time to teach me and I'll nver forget it!!!!!!
Anyways as some of you may know I bought 4 acres of land next to my best friend and I will be building our new home there (it's a surprise he doesn't know) as the story goes I got a few days off and decided to do some clean up, took both saws with new chains and started, after a hour the chains were really getting dull and with my very limited experience I knew I probably needed to stop and put new chains on. Dumb ass me in my haste forgot the chains

So as I was driving I remembered a sign I saw that said, we sharpen chainsaw chains, so I went in, it was a decent size store clean but definitely a ma and pa place. I walked up to the counter and asked the older gentlemen if he would sharpen my chains and I said I would pick them up in the morning. He said sure and asked how my day was going!
I was pretty nasty,tired and pissed because I didn't get accomplished what I wanted to and I know it was because of my inexperience with saws and cutting and that's why my chains dulled prematurely! I guess he could tell I was frustrated and didn't say much else,he got my info and I signed his paper and started to leave.
As I was leaving the gentlemen told me to hold on for a second, he walked up to his sign and flipped the sign over from open to close(it was about 2pm) and told me to follow him. We went into the back he grabbed my 5100, put a chain on it and I followed him to the back of the store. He handed it to me and told me to start cutting(he had some logs on some saw horses) so I started the saw and started my cut.
Thirty seconds into the cut he stopped me and said let my show you how! I spent 2HOURS there and it was probably the best learning experience I can ever remember. I was absolutely dumbfounded that someone would spend that much time with a total stranger! I must have thanked him a thousand times and told him I will tell all my friends about his kindness and to buy from him. I was honest and told him I would buy everything I could from him but it probably wouldn't be alot since I already had most of what I needed!
I tried everything to pay for his time, said wasn't necessary, offered to buy something, again not necessary! He simply put his hand on my shoulder and said that he makes a good living and every now and then he would treat himself to a glass of Crown special reserve and he was happy!!!!

The next day I ordered the biggest bottle of Crown Special Reserve I could, had the wife wrap it and set it on his counter with a very heart felt thank you note and left. I really have to say that was one of the coolest experiences in my life. Some of you might think this is kinda corny because this how you live your life(sawing,felling etc...) but you see... I don't. I can tell you what ever you want to know about HDTV or blueray and gps and how to use them but for the first time in a long time, somebody stopped and took the time to teach me and I'll nver forget it!!!!!!

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