There you go Rick: 3 different methods for handling wood from serious wood burners.
Wood has debris: bark, dirt, dead critters, saw dust, it's there. You can't keep it out of the house if you're 24/7 burning, but manage it. The tree containers or a box are good stuff. I dump the splits into a cart from the woodshed so most of the debris gets to the bottom of the cart. Then arm load the splits from the cart to the stove rack so more gets off the splits when picking up the laods from the cart. The boss asks me to sweep up after each fill in the mornings. I follow orders well.
We also tried, but didn't like the debris spill, a log cart that holds more than most racks--you load and roll into the house. It turned out to be more trouble than worth it. HOWEVER!
If the cart had a cover over the frame to hold the debris, it could work. Google the log carts, there are many kinds with two bike wheels that fit through doors. It also brings in snow and dirt.
So many choices huh ? You gotta try what works for you.