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  1. garrett2006

    Old Asplundh Whisper Chipper Year & Model Help!!

    I bought an older Asplundh Whisper Chipper. I’m trying to figure out what year & model it is for ordering the correct motor parts I’m needing as well as chipper parts. I know it has a Ford 4.9 300 inline 6 cylinder, but depending on what year the unit is will determine the correct part numbers...
  2. C

    Just bought an older whisper chipper. Radiator?

    So i just bought an older whisper chipper off a guy. I'm not much of a mechanic, but learning as I go. It has a newer 300 ford IL 6, new carb, and a bunch of other new parts. Unfortunately, there is no radiator in it. Can anyone help me out and point me I'm the right direction as far as...
  3. HayMan22

    Wood Chipper drum filling with water

    Hello all, I have a Vermeer BC600XL and in the fall and winter months water gets into the drum where the fly wheel is and freezes overnight, resulting in us having to spend 20 minutes every morning to free the wheel before we can start. We’ve tried to tarp it but it’s not a great solution. I...
  4. A

    Tree Service Trucks, Trailers & Equipment Auction in Charleston, SC

    Check out our Online Auction of former Tree Service Company in the Charleston, SC area. All Assets Selling with No Minimum Bid or Reserve, except the Chipper to satisfy Secured Creditor Assets Include: 2019 FORD F-750 Chipper...
  5. M

    New member - looking at Salsco

    Hi all, happy to be here. Wanted to join and ask to see what the feedback is on Salsco chippers. I've heard good things so far but wanted to ask if anyone has any recent experience.
  6. QuercusGuy

    1998 Altec Whisper Chipper questions

    Hi guys, so I have an old super crazy dangerous machine I purchased. I have absorbed nearly if not all the videos that could be related to this chipper. I have purchased a manual which was incredibly informative but none of the content I have seen addresses where GREASE and what type should be...
  7. gunkstree

    Feed Wheel Lifting Help

    I have what I believe is a first gen bandit 100. I need to adjust and or replace the anvil. On previous models I’ve used. There is a jack fitting on top of feeds wheels for lifting. There is no such thing on this model. I was wondering what the best way to lift wheels for service.
  8. G

    New Owner Operator from the Ground Up: 2005 6.8L V10 vs 2003 7.3 diesel ford f450 dump trucks

    I just ventured out on my own 3 months ago and I need to upgrade from my 07 chevy express v6 van with my dads trailer. My goal is to have a dumper truck and modify the dumper walls into a chipper truck and haul a chipper (which I don't have yet but hoping for a 12"). I want to keep it all under...
  9. C

    Want to Sell Vermeer BC1230 12" Chipper with Perkins Diesel Motor

    Price: $12,500.00 Location: Northern Virginia Good running 12" Capacity Vermeer Disc Chipper with dual vertical feed wheels. Super loyal 84hp Perkins pre-emissions diesel motor (non-turbo). Looks rough but has been well maintained. Recent work: New front and rear main bearings. New radiator...
  10. S

    Altec chipper

    I had chance to upgrade to a used Altec CFD-1217, with 48 hp kubota diesel. I’m new to diesel, anyone got tips on getting it going. Put in new battery and it turns over well. Tank is full
  11. L

    Perkins diesel 90xp

    I was doing my first oil change on my new to me 90xp chipper . Grabbed some 15w 40 semi synthetic oil at walmart and apparently it was not stocked with the same oil so 3 quarts of 10w30 was put in before i realized the mistake and finished with almost 6 courts of 15w 40 all the oil was the same...
  12. L

    Bandit 90xp magnetic speed sensor

    Looks like i need a new sensor bandit wants $250.00 anyone have any other sources also will attach pics of the number on sensor and on the Perkins motor and it looks like this sensor has been replaced before due to the date on the sensor . It just seems extremely overpriced for a basic sensor .I...
  13. L

    90xp changing knives

    Just changed knives and cleaned everything with gum out carb cleaner/parts cleaner after hearing stories of blades coming loose due to not cleaning threads and dirty surfaces . After doing some research looks like carb cleaner can leave an oily residue do you think this will cause any issues ...
  14. S

    New chipper can’t decide.

    Hey guys. Needing advice. Here in northern Australia. Updating my backup chipper to a late model 18 inch. looking at two models Vermeer bc1800xl and a bandit 1590xp or possibly the 1890xp hd Now I’ve never had the pleasure of running bandit. I’ve owned a bc 1500 and a bc1400Xl Both to your...
  15. S

    2004 Woodsman 2114 Chipper Thoughts

    Hi all, I’m a newer (2 years new) tree work guy who is looking at purchasing a chipper and chip truck. Found an old chipper & truck for 20K and I am looking for some feedback /thoughts on the chipper. The truck is an old 1984 F700 chip truck, nothing spectacular. The chipper is a 2004 Woodsman...
  16. F

    Sold Sold

  17. L


    Just purchased a used 90xp with the Perkins . The tach goes into test mode each time its started and stuck on hours cannot switch to rpm. The auto feed does not seem to be working right and the tach is IEC . Please advice
  18. blizake7

    Need input on which chipper to buy for a very small tree business.

    I'm a climber and owner of Blake's Tree Service. I've finally saved up 24k cash and want to throw it on a chipper. I have a 2012 6.7L f250 and a 14k brand new dump trailer. Is it practical to chip into a dump trailer, requiring me to involve another truck to haul it? Let me know your thoughts on...
  19. L

    Bandit 200

    Looking at a used bandit 200 in the 90’s It has a Ford gas motor and looks like it has a crush/lift cylinder with unknown hours and owner does not about past history . It currently does not have brakes and I would add them but it’s unknown what it needs price is $10,000 and owner seems firm...
  20. INAGabriel

    2010 Woodsman 750 Chipper - Engine Replacement

    Hi tree friends, I own a 2010 woodsman 750 wood chipper (16-inch drum). The engine was diagnosed with "catastrophic engine failure" and I was hoping to find a suitable replacement engine for my machine. The engine serial number is 44407988, the engine family is C4-4ACERT, and the arrangement...