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  1. Joshua anderson

    Brush bandit 250xp with jd 4045 no start

    Have a 250xp my dad bought new in 2001 im trying to start. We ran it a little over a year ago everything was fine now i just put a new battery in it and can not get it to do anything. Ive checked the plug on the disk compartment along with every other connection at the panel ive got power...
  2. Michael Weichert

    Chipper for 50 acre wooded swamp

    Hi there, First all, thanks for reading. I truly value your time and opinion. I have a 50 acre woodlot part of the Greenock swamp complex in Ontario, Canada. The forest floor is covered in rotting logs, branches, and debris. It hasn't been cared for at all, with one tree falling on top of the...
  3. Benjamin Absher

    Want to Buy Truck and Chipper

    It's time I make the leap. I am looking for a dump truck and chipper of reasonable price and working condition. Bucket/chip combos are a possibility. If you have equipment to sell, send me the information with pictures and we can go from there. Thank you in advance for your responses!
  4. Jester3775

    Woodsman 730 Manuals ?

    Hi Guys, just upgraded from an old Vermeer 935 (Perkins engine) to a used Woodsman 730. Wow, I never ran a drum chipper before and I am super impressed ! My question to you all is if anyone has Owners, Parts or Repair manuals they would be willing to sell or share ? I was not able to get...
  5. L

    bandit 90 disc bearings

    need to replace the disc bearings on 90 xp only one side is bad , its the side near the anvil any tips would be very helpful it almost looks like there is a retaining ring around bearing several small holes but did not seem like there was any allen head inside of it . looked online did not see...
  6. Nick585

    Hyroller 1200 versus Bandit 90xp

    I am looking at two chippers right now. Hyroller 1200 for $6000 or 2000 Bandit 90 with 1400 hours for $7500. Both disc. Neither have auto feed or hydraulic down pressure. The Hyroller is a rebuild and the Bandit has been owned by a small tree company for 5 years and has been their backup...
  7. SLlandscape

    Stolen altec, Tx panhandle

    Altec DC610 stolen last Saturday in the Texas panhandle. To help identify, the 2 center flaps on the feed chute have been cut off and it has a leak on the hydraulic tank and you an see the new clutch under the shielding for the belt. If seen please call me at 806 884-5909
  8. L

    wisconcin 65 shutting down

    have a bandit 90xp with the v465d was running run then shut down it will start then shut down after the key is released , but will run if the key is left in the start position , was going to try a new switch any thoughts or help ? thanks for any info
  9. ArborEthos

    Weight of 1997 Morbark Model 17?

    Hey all, been creeping for a while and finally have a question I can't get answered on here by browsing the forums so I figured I'd write up a post for it. I'm borrowing a Model 17 for the month to use and am wondering what the weight of the chipper is. Can't find it listed on the chipper...
  10. Dan@JBT

    Small residential tree work set up

    hi, setting up a small residential tree work business, I am an experienced and qualified arborist going out on my own for the first time, I’ve got a few saws, all the climbing and rigging gear just working out what set up I want for dealing with green waste I’m currently just hauling away with...
  11. C

    Want to Sell 2004 GMC 7500 60' Altec

    Altec 60' Boom bucket truck 6 speed manual trans Forestry chip box dump body 2 outriggers Many updated parts - ready to work Former Asphlund Truck Hydraulic Brakes Bucket plumbed for hydraulic saws 8.1L gas engine Kubota diesel pony motor Pintle hitch Passed inspection 3 weeks ago 7k worth of...
  12. L

    wiring on bandit 65aw

    picked up a bandit 65 serial # 004976 , going replacing the motor and all the original wiring to tach is cut up and spliced everywhere , looking for a wiring diagram for chipper , also looks like some wires have been cut from some type of hydro solenoid towards the back of machine , thanks for...
  13. L

    bandit 65 ew vs 65 xp

    looking at bandit 65 ew with a Wisconsin motor , saw some newer 65 xp which looked slightly bigger at the infeed tray and had a slightly different feed wheel , how do they compare in performance . thanks for any info
  14. L

    repower a bandit 65

    need to change the motor , anyone knows what will bolt in place of a Honda 20hp with some extra power thanks
  15. L

    bandit chipper

    looking at bandit 65 not sure of year but have serial number , the feed tray looks smaller compared to newer bandit 65's the feed springs are different more like a 45 degrees then the new straight vertical springs like the newer ones , the newer bandit 65 with wider tires look much bigger...
  16. F

    Wallenstein CR Chipper

    Does anyone here have any experience with the Wallenstein Cr model of towable chippers? They have what appear to be pretty decent machines in 7 and 10" capacity. If anyone has any time logged operating on, I would love to hear about the pros/cons.
  17. KrauseTree

    Old M&M chipper, need pto assmb/bell housing-switching automatic pto to manual

    I have a 1986 mitts and merril chipper with ford st 6, the clutch assembly in mine is an automatic pto. It started leaking tranny fluid so after multiple repairs im still in same boat- aka-without my chipper-losing productivity and $$$ just a headache. Here's what Ive had done so far....had pto...
  18. L

    Morbark chipper ?

    Looking for any information on a 20/70 morbark chipper gas 35hp Especially weight since towing on a smaller truck Any issues Thank you for any information
  19. derwoodii

    Site clean up rake & chipper trash push tool combined

    Been havin issue with chipper push tools eg tyne rakes going tho chippers & metal parts or aluminum handles not good for knives so was looking for solid big tyne rakes in polyplastic that takes on wooden handle & i think we found best option ezee-rake-head made in USA so should be easy to...
  20. rudydose

    Sharpening feed wheels.

    Hi there. I have a 2005 bandit 90xp and I feel like it just doesn't pull like it should. I have done a lot of research and asked a lot of guys and they all suggest sharpening my feed wheels. Anyone have and words of advice or know I how I go about doing this