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  1. Supercharged86


    Hello Friends, For sale here is a 1976 SUPER EZ Automatic in nice overall condition. It's been meticulously cleaned inside and out and gone through top to bottom. It has 165 psi compression that starts, idles and runs well. The saw has an original 16" Power-Tip (sprocket nose) bar with fairly...
  2. Supercharged86


    Hello Friends, For sale here is a 1980 SEZ Automatic in nice overall condition. It's been meticulously cleaned inside and out and gone through top to bottom. It has 165 psi compression that starts, idles and runs well. The saw has an original 16" Power-Tip (sprocket nose) bar that has been...
  3. Supercharged86


    Hello Friends, For sale here is a fairly clean and good running 1960's C-71 powerhead (only). The points have been cleaned and condenser condition checked and is within spec. The carburetor has been cleaned, not rebuilt; with a new main fuel line installed (in tank line has not been changed)...
  4. Supercharged86

    Sold 1975 HOMELITE C-72, 18" BAR, GOOD RUNNER

    Hello Friends, For sale here is a fairly nice and clean '75 C-72. Comes with an original Homelite 18" bar, almost new .404 semi-chisel chain and spur sprocket. It has freshly cleaned points, new condenser, Tilly carb kit, Tygon fuel lines, nice air cleaner and an original spec J6J spark plug...
  5. Supercharged86

    Sold 1960's HOMELITE C-51, 18" bar, good runner.

    Hello Friends, For sale here is a fairly nice and clean 1960's Homelite C-51. Comes with an original 18" Homelite bar with .404 chain and fairly new spur sprocket. It has freshly cleaned points, new condenser, Tilly carb kit, Tygon fuel lines, fuel filter, J6C plug and a nice air cleaner...
  6. Wright Saw

    New (to me) chainsaw: 1977 STIHL 031 AV

    So, I got a couple new chainsaws recently. Was working on them for a customer but ended up getting to keep them because of how much the repairs would cost. One is a new-ish (2013) plastic Homelite 3816 C chainsaw, with carry case. It idles, but won't rev up, even after replacing fuel...
  7. FLchainsawJoe

    Want to Buy American muscle saws wanted

    Have owned many muscle saws but still no American made ones. Interested in saws from the 70/80s. Mcculloch 797 and CP/SP125 or Homelites like the 650/750. No gear drive though. Looking for speed in wood. Let me know what you have? Thanks.
  8. Aaron Rybicki

    Dynamark 39 CC Chainsaw??

    This is my brother in law's saw. It is a Dynamark 39CC saw. Not a whole lot of information on similar saws anywhere. I've seen in other threads that this saw is basically a rebadged Lombard saw. Anyone have any info on approximate year or bar mount? I thought I seen somewhere that it was A061...
  9. Aaron Rybicki

    Any Saw Collectors up Michigan way?

    Just wondering if there are any chainsaw collectors around my neck of the woods. I'm up in Manistee County, MI. I'm starting a collection myself. Mostly 70s Macs. I can't be the only one around here with the Yellow Fever. But if you collect any type and live nearby, gimmie a shout.
  10. G

    homelite super xl

    Hi there, im new to this site. i have just bought a homelite super xl but unfortunatly it doesnt have a bar and chain, can anyone help me to find the right ones?
  11. Martin13131

    Sold Homelite 650,750

    would anyone have a homelite 650 or 750 they would sell. Even if its a project thats fine.
  12. B

    Homelite Ranger 33cc AIR LEAK?

    I couldn't help myself when I saw a 2 stroke destined for the landfill, so I snatched it up and took it to the bench. Its a Homelite 33cc Ranger Model UT10947D. After checking things over I fired it up (3 or 4 pulls) and it seemed to run normal for the first couple minutes, I didn't have any...
  13. J

    homelite super ez won't restart hot... sort of

    Ok, so I got me a homelite super ez auto I have been messing with. It starts up pretty good cold. Cuts good, doesn't die on the idle, cuts fine. If you shut her down and turn her right back on, she'll start on the first yank. But if you let it sit maybe 5 min and try to start it back, it has to...
  14. hawkmoto

    Want to Sell Super 1130g Homelite Vintage 100cc Saw

    Excellent condition Runs and cuts now Could lead a collection 27" bar 100cc 6500rpm Homelite Super 1130g Classic Muscle Saw
  15. MisterX

    Homelite HBC30 clutch

    Hello Guys, I have a Homelite HBC30 trimmers with a clutch problem. I disassembled the clutch drum and found the surprise! One of the three "S" shaped clutches was broken, in fact the last time I used the tool there were noticeable vibrations and the engine was like it was spinning. Is it...
  16. J

    Want to Buy Homelite 450 decal

    Would like to buy the main round decal for a homelite 450 that goes on the starter cover. Message if you have one
  17. Kensie1988

    Sold Clean Super XL automatic $100+shipping

    So I just picked this up and got it cleaned, it's one of the late model super XL automatics, really clean ones can be harder to find than good running ones but since I have one I feel like I'll pass it along, looking at the p/c it looks like it will run, had good compression, but is...
  18. Y

    old 60s-70s chainsaw questions

    Hi i just joined this great site, allready learned a fair bit from it over the past couple days. Not sure if im posting in the right catigory so let me know. I just got a couple old school saws off craigslist 80$. From what i can gather thier both great reliable saws and im excide to get...
  19. R

    Want to Sell RARE Homelite XL Brush Cutter

    Etan has this really clean Homelite Brushcutter he would like to sell, I know it's not a chainsaw but it uses the XL powerhead so I figured I would list it here. He is currently taking offers and all *serious* offers will be considered, shoot me a message if interested asking $350 not firm on price
  20. M H


    When cleaning out my dads shop after he passed away, my mom has found several old chainsaws. 3 Homelites- 1 zip, 1 wiz, one red and green one. 2 partner saws- 1 s55, and one we can't find info on. Also one Mc Culloch Mini Mac 25 Asking $50-$75 each.