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  1. Marty Lawrence

    Husqvarna 61 Blacktop - upgrade to 50mm piston

    Hi all, This is my 1st post here. I have an old Husqvarna 61 blacktop (1986). I am wondering if it is possible to bolt on a 50mm piston & cylinder kit from a 268xp? I am not interested in porting. I would prefer none to minimal modifications. I hope to use existing carb. I am not interested in...
  2. H

    Poulan 4000 Piston rings (lil red barn rings)

    Hey everyone, just got some piston rings in from lil red barn website for my poulan 4000. Could anyone help to advise if any measures/things I need to account for before replacing them? Do I need to file fit them to the cylinder? or are they pretty standard where I can just take out old and slap...
  3. K

    MS291 cracked piston

    My brother's MS291 lost power and wouldn't idle; upon inspection it seems to have a cracked piece out of the bottom exhaust side of the piston. See pics. https://photos.app.goo.gl/J3Pj9dtCPq3ExKqE6 Questions: 1. what would cause this piston failure? piston and cylinder seem smooth; crank...
  4. B

    2013 Husqvarna 562xp

    I'm replacing the intake boot. Probably end up taking off the cylinder now also. So my question is on the second picture. There's a line on the piston and there's some metal on the edge of the intake ramp. Is this bad? Compared to tge new intake boot , the old ones mating surface gasket was...
  5. M

    I.E.L. RA chainsaw compression

    HI everyone I have been working on a 1957 IEL Ra chainsaw. i just ran a compression test and got about 32 psi after 3-4 pulls. before i start buying parts i wanted to know what my compression should be for a chainsaw like this. also looking for a piston and rings for this saw and wondering if a...
  6. M

    Advice on whether to replace piston+rings in a good running MS462C

    Hello arborists! I've really learned a lot from this great forum -- thanks so much for helping folks out with their questions. I'm hoping to get a bit of advice on the piston shown below. It's in a used MS462C that I recently purchased for a good price -- it has great throttle response and...
  7. oldpartsinasia-joe

    Want to Sell Sachs Dolmar 116

    *Interest check for a NOS Piston for Dolmar 116* (not Dolmar 116si, but for Dolmar 113/116 series) 114 132 101 Piston Assy 45mm Single Piston -oldpartsinasia Joe
  8. rwlowhorn

    Stihl ms291

    Looking for a head and piston for ms291. Would like aftermarket if available.
  9. CorralLookin

    What happened here?

    Hey guys, I inherited this 372 X-torq with a broken piston. A chunk of the skirt on the exhaust side was broken off and there were metal shaving in the exhaust. The cylinder was badly scored. I went ahead and replaced the piston and cylinder with OEM parts. I broke in the new top end properly...
  10. I

    3120xp dies when I throttle

    I have a stock 3120xp, maybe a year old. I was cutting some red oak yesterday and unfortunately the bar got pinched as I was making a relief cut in the log I was bucking. I was able to get the bar out of the cut but after that, the saw just dies when I try to go full throttle for cuts. Saw...
  11. T

    Echo CS341 piston

    Hello I'm having trouble finding an after market piston for and echo cs341. I don't have the saw physical in hand but I bought it online and am trying to get parts ordered before it arrives. Does anyone have a clue what size piston It is or what saws share the same piston?
  12. S

    Piston scorch marks Advice

    Hey y'all, I have two ms-261's that are both showing some scorch marks at the top of the piston on the exhaust side. They still seem to be running well and have good compression (by feel not with a gauge), and I can't see any scoring in the cylinder or on the piston. My question is, now that...
  13. C

    How's This Piston Looking?

    Pulled this piston out of my 262 I rebuilt a year or so ago. To my untrained eye it doesn't look too bad apart from some carbon on the exhaust side. I'd appreciate some feedback on the condition, so that I can learn more about what I should be looking for aside from the obvious like scoring...
  14. L

    MS 261 - piston and rings after 60l/~15gal of alkylated gas + HP Ultra at 33:1

    Hello, I'm pretty new on here, used to be a lurker until recently. So I just got a new MS 261 (ver 3/carb) this spring and scrolling around during that time (including that 400-500 pages oil thread, oh god) I noticed that the veterans on this site aren't big fans of this oil. "Smells bad"...
  15. E

    357XP Replace cylinder or just piston? (Pics)

    This is the second time this has happened to me on this saw. The first time my dad put straight gas in it. It looks similar and I used acid and sandpaper to clean the inside of the cylinder and just added a new piston. It wasn't perfect but it looked pretty good. I am wondering if this...
  16. Overkill338

    Want to Sell Last of my Hyway Cylinder kits

    I'm just bored with saws, and really don't have time to fool with them anymore, trying to keep my wife healthy. They are all for sale individually, for $55 shipped each. They are all "open box", some I've had for awhile, some are pretty recent. They are as-is, as I'm just cleaning off the bench...
  17. SemperFiSawguy

    Want to Buy 056 magnum 2 piston

    ISO any good parts for 1115 seires 056 magnum 2!
  18. M

    026 PISTON IN AN 031av Stihl?

    With the declining availability of parts available, has anyone successfully used an 026 piston in an 031...same bore (44mm) and stroke (32mm)?
  19. Overkill338

    Want to Sell Aftermarket Pistons

    Hyway pistons, that I'm not going to be able to use. So I'd like to move them all out. $28 shipped EACH MS261 popup 036 Popup MS461 Popup Then I have these two. I can't even remember what they go to. One flat top, the other is a popup, and both 52mm
  20. Monkey_With_A_Chainsaw

    Want to Buy MS650/660 OEM cylinder and piston

    I have an MS650 magnum with a scorched piston (and possibly the cylinder) that I’m working towards repairing. Looking for OEM parts to make it right.