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  1. BrownBrown

    Is this muffler OEM? 038av Stihl And is this carbon buildup normal?

    Is this muffler OEM? And is this carbon buildup on the piston head normal? What is this piece? The one circled is the unknown piece. I have one that goes to the oiler gear but idk where this one came from Thanks!
  2. jerrdo

    Want to Buy Husqvarna 44 Rancher (white top) top end.

    HI ALL! I have a need for a husqvarna 44 piston & cylinder, any leads would be great. Thanks
  3. huskyslinger

    Want to Buy Husky 385 xp air filter cover

    Also if someone has a hd air filter cover thats in good shape and has not changed colors would be great
  4. WoodsliverDan

    Husqvarna 550xp pop up

    So, after doing some research and not finding much on making a pop up piston for the 550xp, I have decided to make one to try and post my results. After measuring the squish, (with gasket) and finding it to be .030" I have decided to turn .030" off the base of the cylinder and .020" off the...
  5. Overkill338

    Want to Sell Hyway Cylinder Kit for MS210/230/250,021/023/025

    ITS OPEN BOX BUT NEVER USED This is a kit I got to fix a saw I had lying around. Just didn't have the time to fool with it. So I figure someone can use it. You can use it to convert your 021,023,ms210,or ms230 to 025/250 specs. Asking $50 shipped also comes with seals. I AM NOT A BUSINESS NOR...
  6. Overkill338

    Want to Sell Hyway cylinder kit for 036/MS360

    I got this from Hyway because I was supposed to test their popup kit for the 036, but I was sent three of the regular kits by mistake. So I just figured I'd sell them to help out some others. Cylinder kit for an 036/MS360, or use it convert your 034 to 036 specs. Asking $60 shipped. I AM NOT...
  7. Overkill338

    Want to Sell Hyway PopUp Cylinder Kit for MS660

    I found two of the 066/660 54mm popup kits under my wife's desk if anyone is interested. $60 shipped?
  8. Overkill338

    Want to Sell Hyway Popup Cylinder Kit For MS661

    I'm clearing out the things I'm not going to use. Wife wants them off the kitchen table. Asking $50 shipped. I AM NOT A BUSINESS NOR A STORE, I AM NOT TRYING TO COMPETE WITH HLSUPPLY ...THIS IS JUST A PERSONAL SALE TO GET THEM OUT OF MY WAY.
  9. Overkill338

    Sold Hyway PopUp kit for 261

    I decided I wont be using this on my 261. Asking $50 shipped. Here is a video of my friends MS261C, all stock except for the Hyway popup piston and a base delete. Here is a video of my friends 261. All stock except for a Hyway popup piston
  10. Aaron Rybicki

    Mac 10-10A Parts interchangeable?

    Hi, I am looking at buying a used piston off of ebay for my Mculloch Mac 10-10A (600002U), however it is from a right hand Mac 10-10A and not sure how much older or newer it is in comparison to mine. It includes the jug but there are minor details that are different from mine. I was wondering...
  11. A

    MS200T AM Piston-Cylinder Clearance too tight?

    I am trying to diagnose why the intake boot on my 90% Farmertec MS200T melted. My Initial though was that the AM boot is not to spec, but now I am wondering if the tight fit between the piston and cylinder is causing excessive heat. As I was disassembling the cylinder to delete the base gasket...
  12. SGaron

    Stihl 066/660 with an 056 Super piston?

    Hey everyone, I've been rebuilding a Stihl MS660 and I'm about to the part of getting a piston to throw in it (piston cracked from previous owner failing to buy a piston stop), and I started thinking about how I see other people transplanting pistons from huskys to stihls and vise versa, and it...
  13. T

    Husqvarna 394 won’t stay running/barely starts

    Hello all, I am at a complete loss- my Husqvarna 394 chainsaw will start but immediately dies. It is a 1998 model. I have already tried the following: New Gas line New Fuel filter New Fuel tank vent New tank vent filter New Gas cap Put carb kit in it Cleaned the carb Air filter is...
  14. sammer

    New 660 piston possible/probable issue

    Hi all, As the title suggests, I sent in my 660 to a chainsaw repair mechanic after the piston failed, probably due to over-revving. I usually do my own service work but was not in a position to on this occasion. The piston was clearly scored, grey and dry with seized rings in a manner...
  15. E

    Farmertec cylinders

    My ms260 needs a new cylinder kit, old one was destroyed due to intake boot failure -running very lean. Are those Farmertec cylinders worth it? How long will they last? How much compression compared to OEM? And i would do a small bit of cleaning on those ports with an dremel.
  16. Khalil1090

    Mcculloch PM610 Piston Rebuild Questions / Help

    Hello Everyone! This is my first day as a member here. I look forward to providing any help I can in Restoration and rebuild projects. I also look forward to any help that anyone can provide! It's always appreciated. Lost my Grandpa to cancer a few years back and his chainsaw was handed down to...
  17. BonScott46

    Husqvarna cylinder ID

    Anyone know what cylinder this is? 266? Thanks.
  18. SoopermanLuva

    Chinese piston/cylinder kit total annihilation.

    Good evening, gentlemen! So I had this chinese top end for a 036 that I popped in there for testing purposes. And here's the result after about 2 tanks, half of which was really adjusting and playing around with different settings. In the pictures you can see that the spot where the circlip is...
  19. Bedford T

    Stihl MS192t Straight Gased Chainsaw Repair

    I found a saw the guy said was straight gassed. It did not looked ragged and always looking for my next project i took it off his hands. Spent several days cleaning it and looking it over closely and it really cleaned up nicely. I had never owned or worked on one, since they don't have kits for...
  20. huskyslinger

    Want to Buy 394xp piston

    as title says I am looking for a good used Husqvarna 394XP piston. Also looking for a 181/281 piston. Not the thin ring one!