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ArboristSite Operative
Oct 31, 2002
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southern Illinois
I few days ago I ask about an 036 on here. I went and looked at one today and they are sure heavy. I looked at the ms 260 (026) and it sure felt good. I have been using cheap saws for years and I use one a lot. I don't have a business or anything like that. I'm just a home owner. I want one real good saw. I don't mind paying the price I just one the best saw. I mostly do clearing and wood cutting. I like a 20" bar. I guess the 026 will pull a 20" ok?
Would anyone give me some advice on the 026 please.
Thank you.
You've come to the right place. An 026 is a fine saw. I borrowed one for a few months before the 044/046 came into my life and it sported a 24" bar. It complied with every task I required of it.

These guys form a tight knit group of professionals who've probably forgotten more about saws than most of us ever learn in a lifetime, and truly enjoy each others company. Once you figure out which saw to buy you'll find their rapier wit and antics hard to resist. I've been LMAO for 2 weeks just reading old threads. A great deal to learn, while merely knicking the surface.

Listen to them.

You would be better off to run a shorter bar on a 026(16).The 026 is a great saw when not over bared,should last you many years with good results.What kind of price are they giving you on a 026?:D Dan
I've run several 026's over the years. Some guys will run a 20" bar, although most will sport an 18". If you are only going to put a 16" on it, you might as well buy a smaller saw. I feel that an 18" is the best choice on this saw for maximum performance and versatility.
Going prices on the 026 around here range from $355 (my best deal at my favorite shop) to $399 (list price).

The 026 is one of the best saws ever put out, runs real nice with 16", 18" & 20" bars.

Mounted a 28" bar on it and it was hardly turning, then realized I had mounted it on the wrong power head. Was working out there with my friend Jack Daniels and he played a trick on me, made me believe the 026 was a 046. :eek:

You'll love the 026, great small saw :cool:
Thanks for the advice. What type of chain will cut the best on the 026. I read somewhere on here someone said Oregon LG chisel chain makes a real big difference. Is that right? Or do u have any suggestions?

Thanks again.

Normally your saw will come standard with a 16" bar, get yourself a couple of loops of .325 RS23 Stihl chisel chain.

Nothing wrong with the Oregon LG chisel chain either. but probably easier to go with the Stihl chain from your dealer.
Thank you Lobo

Thank you very much sir. I really like this web site. You get the best advice from people who really know what they are talking about. I'm leaning so much by reading and asking questions.

Tell your dealer you will buy Stihl RS if he gives it to you for the same price as Oregon LG, or better yet see if you can get him to throw it in for free with the saw.
Stihl makes good chain but not worth the price premium over Oregon IMO
i really like the 026, i had one and it was a great saw! i ran an 18'' bar on mine and it pulled it fine. go with stihl RS or oregon full chisel chain and you'll be a whole lot happyer:angel:
I use an 026pro with a 18" bar and 8 tooth drive sprocket, I "opened" up the muffler a bit and it works super!! I am not a pro either but cut alot of firewood and I hate "cheap" tools. The 8 tooth sprocket slows the saw down some if you cut to the full bar length, thats why I have an 046, more power when you need it, but it's alot heavier( the 026 gets used lots more ). The "rm" chain stays sparp a bit longer than the "rs" if you are cutting dirty or dead wood . Buy it .. you'll love it!!!
On the 026. There are two models to choose from. The pro, and the standard. I owned the pro model, and for the price difference, and what you get with the pro, I would definitely buy the non-pro model. I ran a 16 bar on mine, and my buddy ran an 18. I liked the feel, balance, and versatility of the 18. Please do not go out and buy that saw without looking at the Husqvarna 346XP. I sold my 026 in favor of the 346 after running my dad's for an afternoon. It was more comfortable and cut circles around the 026. Good luck in you're quest. Try not to be brand specific. Give more than one manufacturer a chance. Try to run different brand saws in that size before buying, and buy what is comfortable, not what someone else says is good. 026, 2149, 346.

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