Old Stihl 026 "skewed"?

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Yep, with all that bar oil and saw dust, it's pretty cruddy. I saw in another post that carb cleaner was ok to use. Do
you concur with that stihltech?
Best thing is to disassemble down to the crankcase, seal off the exhaust, intake, and impulse barb and then give it a bath in diesel / kerosene. This way if you have to go deeper everything is already clean.

With the clutch and flywheel off. Diesel/kero stanks, that's why I follow with dish detergent.
This is why this work gets done in the garage or preferably the natural area in the front yard.

The nice thing about diesel / kerosene is that it soaks in and doesn't evaporate fast.
I got a hot water setup outside my shop, it cleans great.

Well that would be cool. I suppose I could get a water heater in my shop. Makes a big difference.

But, I have about 80 pounds of pressure, 20 of it just gravity.

I can make a saw **** and spam pretty quick.

Fact is, I don't think it makes a **** how you do it as long as you get it clean.