028 av super- choke/run/off switch

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ArboristSite Lurker
Oct 13, 2009
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After searching these forums i haven't come up with the right answer, hopefully someone can help.

I went to go start my saw and the choke would not engage on the switch. It went to run and stop just fine. After some GENTLE persuasion, the choke engaged and I got her fired up. Stopped the saw and now I cant get it back to choke. I took off the air filter to see what was going on in there and everything looks okay. With the air filter off I can move the switch to every position including choke. With the air filter on it wont go to choke? It doesnt look like the little nub at the end of the switch shaft is engaging the lever on the choke shutter enough.

Any Ideas????
When I move the switch to choke you can literally see the air filter moving because that ground strap in pushing up on the filter. But its not slipping over the shaft. I can see there is a relief on the filter to accomodate the movement of the ground strap but it does seem to be interfering.
It should come up and down on the back side of the shaft. i have seen them get slipped over and actually straddle the shaft and get everything bound up.

And if thats the case??

Do I need a new ground strap? Switch shaft? Or just adjustment?

I'm trying to locate a detailed pic of the switch shaft. I'm thinking the nub that engages the choke shutter might be worn or broken.

Thanks for the help and quick replies!
And if thats the case??

Do I need a new ground strap? Switch shaft? Or just adjustment?

I'm trying to locate a detailed pic of the switch shaft. I'm thinking the nub that engages the choke shutter might be worn or broken.

Thanks for the help and quick replies!

If your switch shaft ends up being bad, i think I have a spare one I would let ya have cheap...just trying to help.
The choke is actually inside the filter on an 028. The butterfly you're seeing inside the carb with the filter off is the throttle. Maybe miss-reading your posts, sorry if I'm stating the obvious.

Check the location of the grounding strap in relation to the on-off-choke lever like stated (it should be behind or toward front of saw in relation to black lever). Next open your filter into the two halves and check the location/functioning of the choke. They can be dislodged or displaced. Maybe it's binding inside the filter.:confused: Also check location of the grounding wire in relation to the lever and grounding strap, those wires have been known to get dislodged as well. Maybe binding things up??

Also, it is easier to engage the lever into choke position if you depress the throttle trigger at the same time. Release throttle, pull starter until "pop", up one notch to high idle, pull till it's running and blip throttle to kick 'er down to idle. Again sorry if this is more info than you were looking for........

Good luck.
No, just make sure that the loose end of it with the little angle at the end is tucked behind the piece that holds the other end of the ground wire part of the shaft. Once the filter is in place it can't come out.

Thanks Zero. That seemed to do it. I just took the filter back off made sure everything was aligned properly. CAREFULLY put the filter back on and everything is working properly for now.

Just kinda wierd though. I messed with it for about an hour on sunday and nothing. Took about 2 minutes today.
Okay after one successful start and stop yesterday, today I cant get the saw to turn off with the cover on the saw. I took the cover off and I can get it to stop but I have to push pretty hard. Im think when I was messing with it over the last few days maybe I bent the ground strap? Tomorrow I will try to check for a bend and possibly try to straighten it.

Any thoughts....
Take it back apart and study the spring in relation to the tabs.The spring might have been stretched with extra tension if it got dislodged.May have to fine bend the spring back to where it doesnt bind on the detents,at least thats what I did to my new (to me ) 024 Super just last night.Great running tough little saw.
Nothing should change with the the cover unless it doesn't let the control go up as far. Look at the bare wire in the off position and see if it is touching the ground strap. All you are doing is shorting out the ignition. If it is touching and still doesn't cut off retighten the wire where it attaches to the crankcase.
Make sure the wire contact (inserted in detent on control lever) is making GOOD contact with the grounding strap. Like mentioned, may have to tweak the spring steel a bit. Especially if it was stretched over the lever one/several times. While doing that, take small piece of emery cloth and dress up the contact points. You can pull/push out the wire contact (carefully) to facilitate the cleaning.

This can be one of the few weak points of an 028, the grounding wire setup. It's a simple set up and no problem when working properly, but can be frustrating when you can't figure out why she won't quit........:bang:
Well I still can't quite get it operating correctly.

1. The trigger will lock in the choke position but it still isnt moving the choke shutter on the filter.

2. Still wont shut off with the cover on, the wire is not making contact with the ground strap unless I take the cover off to give it that extra "push" to make contact.

I put the saw in choke position give about five pulls and no "pop". Move it into run give about 1-2 pulls and she starts up. Can't stop it with the cover on. I've attached some pics, this is getting frustrating :dizzy:

Again thanks for all of the help and quick replies!

In the OFF position:

In the CHOKE position:
Your strap is not supposed to be sitting on top of it, it sits behind it, or under it the way your photo lays. Told you that from the start.

Okay, got it working now. Guess I should have posted a picture in the first place. Anyway, thanks for the help Zero.
Yeah, if you really study the spring position you can see how it can extend the wrong way.When I got my saw the lever would only work with excessive force.Using throttle to engage choke also seems the way to go.