As I mentioned in a previous post, I open up the muffler output on my 034 from 0.625" to around 0.750". Today I had a chance to go out and give the saw a try. First thing I noticed was that the saw bogged when I throttled, the solution was to open (richen) the low speed adjuster slightly. After I got the saw accelerating nicely, I opened the high speed adjustment just a touch. (I read in previous posts that you need to run a little richer after opening the muffler up). I proceeded to make a few cuts in a large piece of poplar and the saw was really preforming nicely. After the saw was warmed up, I used my hand held tachometer to check the no load RPM's. The saw was running lean so I adjusted the high speed screw to max out at 13,000 as indicated in the saw manual. After doing this I tried to make a few more cuts and the saw did not like the setting and bogged in the cut. That leads me to my question. Can I readjust the carb forgetting about the no load speed and adjust for max performance? If I do this will I be risking running the saw too lean? I would appreciate some feedback here. I did search the forum on carb adjustments and read up a bit but I figured someone might be able to elaborate here.