Duke Thieroff
Fill your hands, you SOB!
The second picture I sent you over PM appears to be the lug type sprocket as well, but that Sabre spur sprocket I just sent a picture of throws a whole 'nother wrench in the mix.
Inquiring minds would like to know of all of the possible combinations that series had for oilers.
hope my OCD binder helpsI'll do my best, which is the objective at this point...as soon as I get a boatload of 1127 parts off my bench!
BTW, I received a significantly huge binderesque old school binder full of hard copy Stihl documentation on these saws from Dave. Lots of tech notes, updates, all that sorta stuff circa the '70s that should shed light on things well beyond what the latest MediaCAT or other readily available digital media currently provides.
Updates forthcoming as they occur...
Can these oil pumps be upgraded or modified to flow more oil?
I don't think you can without switching the whole recoil/ fuel tank to the newer setup. One from a 076 would work and it would give you a bigger fuel tank.I have read all threads, thanks very much to original poster!! Great thread! This was probably covered before but thanks to some hacking (hacker) we lost a majority of the pics. Im a pics kind of guy. My question is,...... can the old 051's lousy starter cup that strips out, coil, flywheel be changed over to the newer starter pawl type flywheel with better ignition? Pleeeeze say yes!!!! And how, thanks so much!!!
And the Oscar goes to....