066 BB kit revisited
Well I finally got around to fitting my free replacement 066 BB kit this evening. the main reason it took so long was I took the opportunity to order a bunch of other stuff from Baileys and the order got held up waiting for a back order on a small item so it only arrived 2 weeks ago. I was not fussed as I was more than occupied with a new 880 and 441 and a bunch of milling activities.
So I put on the new BB kit.
- Piston skirt easily clears the replacement base gasket (that was a problem last time)
- 155 psi cold compression
- Full crankcase pressure and vacuum test all passed fine
- Squish - its 0.033" and 0.034 - sound like too much?
I was thinking of try the previous base gasket (that gave me 0.022 and 0.024" squish with the original BB kit). I've already taken a mm of so off the gasket ID using a Dremel so it easily clears the piston. I have a surface plate so alternative is to take 0.015 off the jug base?
Well I finally got around to fitting my free replacement 066 BB kit this evening. the main reason it took so long was I took the opportunity to order a bunch of other stuff from Baileys and the order got held up waiting for a back order on a small item so it only arrived 2 weeks ago. I was not fussed as I was more than occupied with a new 880 and 441 and a bunch of milling activities.
So I put on the new BB kit.
- Piston skirt easily clears the replacement base gasket (that was a problem last time)
- 155 psi cold compression
- Full crankcase pressure and vacuum test all passed fine
- Squish - its 0.033" and 0.034 - sound like too much?
I was thinking of try the previous base gasket (that gave me 0.022 and 0.024" squish with the original BB kit). I've already taken a mm of so off the gasket ID using a Dremel so it easily clears the piston. I have a surface plate so alternative is to take 0.015 off the jug base?
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