070 flywheel woes

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ok, did some work this weekend. I checked the condenser as per those instructions and it tested fine. I swapped the HT lead and it had spark! Not for long though... then the spark went. Swore a bit, then the spark came back.

In short, this sometimes sparks and sometimes doesn't and I can't see why. I didn't start it, so it's not temperature dependant. Can a bad coil cause this? Or a condenser? I don't know what else! Anyone?
Man Harry you sure have a headscartcher. I would think its the condenser. Even though it tests good it can fail with the high voltage.I mess with 031s and they have points ignition. A couple of times that has happened to me.:confused:
Man Harry you sure have a headscartcher. I would think its the condenser. Even though it tests good it can fail with the high voltage.I mess with 031s and they have points ignition. A couple of times that has happened to me.:confused:
ah well, guess it's better than the coil, finance-wise that is! Anyone know the capacitor specs so I could go aftermarket?
OK, this is starting to test my levels of indurance... Put a new condenser in, same thing!
I checked the points - no resistance when shut, about 1 Mohm when open - definitely not infinite.
On the coil - between HT lead ouput and ground it's about 5 kohms, condenser wire to ground has no resistance. However, my multimeter is turrd. COuld either of these be affecting it?
This stumping everyone else too? Could the points be *ucking it all up? How about the coil - does it sound bad? And what's the proper way to test this one?
sounds to me like the points are shorting--maybe in the pivot pin??? for what points cost--put in a new set--


Most of the time when I have ignition problems, it is the points. Make sure to hose the points box out with some solvent, to remove any trace oil. I have alot less problems now that I do this every time.
thanks guys - so those megaohms of resistance may be making the difference? I'll give them a good degrease. Would I be able to spot any insulation breakup?
Dude, just toss the existing ignition and bung in electronic - about £40 the last time I bought one. You just screw it in and it works. No points, no condenser, no old insulation, just sparks.
Dude, just toss the existing ignition and bung in electronic - about £40 the last time I bought one. You just screw it in and it works. No points, no condenser, no old insulation, just sparks.
rxe, you're back! Long time no post?
Dibbs sent me an ebay link ot one a while ago, and stupidly I didn't go for it... After some searching I've found the generic ignition doesn't work, but the VEC TV-2E does. But I can't find a good selling-link, where do you get yours?
Never mind rxe - I have spark!.

I narrowed down the resistance of a few megaohms in the points to the insulation on the pivot point of the points arm. So I soaked the arm in petrol for half an hour, then let it dry for an hour. Fitted it up and got the biggest brightest spark I've seen in a pull test.

Started 3rd pull and immediately revved and idled beautifully. Now I need to buy the missing parts and tach it up
Man thats good to hear Harry. I felt like I was giving you bum information,which I probably did. That was probably your problem the whole time. On the plus side look at all the points ignition knowledge you have gained.:cheers:
Man thats good to hear Harry. I felt like I was giving you bum information,which I probably did. That was probably your problem the whole time. On the plus side look at all the points ignition knowledge you have gained.:cheers:

Thanks mate - never fear though I reckon it was tough to call. Although B200 did...

But it does continue - the bastard has lost it again. Same symptoms just now. I was so pissed off though I didn't pull it down to check, but I'd put a good pile on the points shorting again. I'll pull the flyweehl off soon and I should think a new set of points are on the way. If it's not them, electronic here we come
Thanks mate - never fear though I reckon it was tough to call. Although B200 did...

But it does continue - the bastard has lost it again. Same symptoms just now. I was so pissed off though I didn't pull it down to check, but I'd put a good pile on the points shorting again. I'll pull the flyweehl off soon and I should think a new set of points are on the way. If it's not them, electronic here we come

well it wasn't a new set of points - it was 'turn' a new arm bush up. It now runs like a beauty. Idles and revs great. Just need a tach and the other stuff (clutch cover, filter etc.) and it's cutting time.

Details here - http://www.arboristsite.com/showthread.php?p=1789217#post1789217

or stright to the vid
<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid230.photobucket.com/albums/ee33/harrygrey382/25102009021.flv">
rxe, you're back! Long time no post?

Just been really busy with "real" work - you know, that stuff that pays the bills.... Only news of note is that I stuck a 192 in my hand last week - thankfully no major damage, still got the right number of fingers/tendons/nerves. Full story to follow in the approved place when typing is a bit easier.

That 070 is sounding good - but I'd still go electronic - there's just less to mess about with!