13/64 round files not sold here!

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ArboristSite Guru
Oct 9, 2005
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I live in a logging area (Oregon) where Stihl and 3/8 inch pitch chain is common.

The Stihl instruction manual says to use a 13/64 round file for a 3/8 inch pitch chain.

So I go to about 5 different stores in my area (hardware and saw shops) asking for a 13/64 round file. Not one store had one! And they looked at me like I was the first person ever to ask for one.

So I get the impression either that people in my area are not reading their instruction manuals or they are just using whatever files are available.

I have done service and repair work in other fields. And I've learned to "fix it right or don't fix it at all". If the manufacturer says to use a specific gap on a spark plug, well I figure they know what works best. So I install a spark plug with that gap. Or if a manufacturer says to use a specific grease/lubricant when replacing a part - and I don't have that specific grease - I go buy it.

I've learned that if you fix things right the first time, they stay fixed and you have satisfied customers. If you don't fix it right, then the gizmo is back in the shop with a quickness and your customers are not happy.

So this may be a dumb question, but if a 7/32 works OK for sharpening a 3/8 inch pitch Stihl chain, wouldn't Stihl say to use a 13/64 *or* 7/32?

I figure there must be some reason they say to use a 13/64 and not any other sizes????
if stihl chain is common, they have to be buying it fom a stihl dealer in the area. I bet they have the file you need. :confused:
Why 13/64? So Stihl can sell the files :rolleyes: LOL.

Seriously, I believe the reason you wont find the 13/64 files in most shops or stores is Oregon doesn't use that size for their chain, maybe they dont even make them? not sure. Out of ignorance I filed my Stihl 3/8 RS chains for many years with 7/32 files. I recentlyfound that I was using the wrong size and rushed to my dealer to buy a 13/64 guide and box of files. Expecting an eye opening differance I headed to the wood and I'll be hanged if my eyes or arms or the 036 can tell the differance 'tween a chain filed with the proper file or a 7/32. Others on here make many more chips than me, be interested in what they say.
I have also tried both sizes and can't see any difference other than the 3/8 seems to hang up a bit in the chain after the filing stroke in the Stihl chain.
Other than that I can see no other differences.
I do however drop to the 13/64 when 1/2 way through the cutter.
It isn't a big deal. The 13/64ths is a compromise size -splitting the difference between 7/32 and 3/16. Wise users have, for generations, used 7/32nds files on 3/8ths pitch chain and switched to 3/16ths in the last third of the tooth where the tooth height has decreased enough to make it hard to file properly with the 7/32 without cutting into the tie straps. 13/64 fits into the Stihl factory grind easier for the first filing and works fairly well for the entire tooth. Switching to 3/16ths for the last few filings is still advantageous and I never worry about grabbing a 7/32 instead of a 13/64 early in the chain's life.
Stihl file quality is excellent so whenever I find a decent price I buy the 13/64ths and happily use them on Oregon and Carlton chains as well as Stihl. onthe other hand if i'm out of sharp 13 /64ths files I do not grieve and open a box of 7/32nds or 3/16ths depending on where I am on remaining tooth.
Billy_Bob said:

So this may be a dumb question, but if a 7/32 works OK for sharpening a 3/8 inch pitch Stihl chain, wouldn't Stihl say to use a 13/64 *or* 7/32?

I figure there must be some reason they say to use a 13/64 and not any other sizes????

They changed a while back because the 7/32 was cutting into the tie straps a little as the cutter got near the end of sharpening life... or maybe the user was.. whatever. About half the stores out here just use 7/32. We sell both, but the Stihl files are slightly more expensive than "after market" so many dealers just buy the cheaper files and sell them at Stihl's list. Any Stihl dealer can get them for you (assuming they don't have them in stock); 12 to a box. You can use the 7/32, but be careful when the cutter gets small.