136 vs 041

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Oct 12, 2001
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well had some cuts today and the muffler modified 136 did a lot better than i expected: 3 cuts and 041 won one, the 136 won one and the last one was too close to call on a 8" fence post. The 041 did start a whole lot easier though. (times were in the 2.5sec range)

PS. the time with the 372GXP was about 1sec.:p
The 041 is a little less than 50% larger, but it's a slow-turning saw. Rated at 7K RPM, I think. I'd imagine that with short bars and small wood, the faster of the two would win, regardless of power. Not sure the 136 would fare the same with a 24" bar.
well actually the 041 is almost double the size of the 136. 61cc vs. 36cc = well it was fun and yes of course nowhere close to realistic because of the bar length difference 20" on the 041 and 14" on the 136. Of course we also cannot forget about the chain pitch difference - 3/8" vs 3/9 low-profile, makes for a big drag and weight difference. all in all though i was very surprised as the 041 is a very torquey saw like said - very much opposite of the high rpm 136.:blob2:

PS. both saws cost around $150, one sports 5.5hp and the other before muffler mods 2.0hp. the weight difference one does not even want to talk about so lke said it was interesting and surprising...
tundra, if that 041 is 61 cc (3 different 041 sizes were made, I think), I guarantee you it didnt have even close to 5.5 hp. That is over the rating of the appx 72 cc 044 and 372 Husky, which have way more power than that old 041, for sure. And weigh in about three pounds lighter.

When I was foreman for a tree service back in 77-84, the largest saw we had was an 041 (I dont know which one) What a dog it was!! After a few yrs there, of renting/borrowing a bigger saw from a friend, I finally got my own 045Super, a heck of an improvement.

By the way, if you go to Stihl's Brasil site, and a couple other countries, you will see, still for sale amazingly, the 051, and the 038. No 088 or 090, tho. But I think the 090 is still available down there.

I recently ran an 075, which pulled the 42 bar with chipper chain just fine. What awesome low end torque!!!
I have never seen the 051 still available but it is probably because it is the same powerhead as the TS 510 concrete saw. The 076 is the same as the TS 760 saw also. You experts correct me if I am wrong

That's right. And the TS-350 is the same thing as the 08S chainsaw. By the way, those are also still available in South America. Not sure why anyone would want to lug around one of those slow tanks these days, but they still do.

I haven't seen hide nor hair of the 090 on any of Stihl's sites last time I checked. If it is still being sold, they want to keep it a secret.
If that's correct, then I'd really like someone to explain it. It's hard for me to picture a 3.7 cube saw making 5.5HP at 7,000 RPM. In fact, I don't remember seeing a stock saw with that power/displacement ratio. An 044 doesn't even make that much power.

So my Jonsereds 111S is almost twice as large as the 041, but makes only one more HP?
You so goofy. I won't even pick up an 041 for less than 18 inch stuff. Maybe that would be a good comparison of timed cuts.
The 106cc model 070 was rated at 6HP. The figure on the 041 MUST be a typo.
thats fine - i happened to pick it up for a test with a fencepost;) the 051 of the era is rated at 5.8hp @about 89cc. the 5.5hp is on both the pages so a typo seems like an unlikely explanation...mistake is another thing but one must have some credible documentation for proving that. havent seen any yet, but am eager to find out.
041 Specs

This is out of my Stihl Service Manual.
61 cc
44 mm bore
40 mm stroke
3.7 hp at 7500 rpm

Sounds like it was weak the whole time,when a 61cc compares to a 36cc even with 3/9 chain,what else can you say?
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