'15 Echo CS620PW Information

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I know this thread is very old, and this is also my first post.
So I'll go ahead and introduce myself too...
Name's David, I'm in MID(dle of nowhere) MO and own a Construction Co. I have a beautiful wife, and 7 year old daughter, we live in a wood heated earth contact on 15 acres of wooded heaven. Have 2 wood heated shops I enjoy being in when I can. Enjoy woodworking, building anything and everything, enjoy building and fireing things that go bang, enjoy small engine tinkering to diesel wrenching. And being out at our farms.. Also enjoy the smell of fuel, cutting wood, whether firewood or clearing, to having some good slabs made up timber from my own property. I cut my pops wood too and work on his little farm. Also very Glad to be here! But enough about me!
I've been a lurker here for quite some time. Social media isn't a regular thing for me. But all of the best tips and tricks on modding my saws have been from reading things here on AS. So I do very much appreciate y'all and your vast knowledge on saws!.... Just sayin'.
Anyway, I've always run stihl because that's what everyone pushes around here. By everyone I mean the 4 actual pro *** dealers within 100 mile radius. (That I know of) no love for Echo unfortunately outside of orcheln's who carry 5 models of smaller saws. And Lauf equipment who is an "echo dealer" and stihl dealer. Want to guess why they have no Echo's anywhere in sight? Anyway, my beloved ms361 was stolen recently, so I've been trying to make due with the old 029 handed down to me like 15 years ago. The oiler on the 029 is failing again, I don't care to replace it again until I have plenty of spare time. I just dislike working on the clamshell saws. And the 029 isn't "cutting it" power wise. So I'm looking into buying a new saw. An old buddy of mine from back in the military and I meet up every year for the beginning of bow season. He has a CS620P and it outcut my 361 pretty badly a few years back. Stock to stock. And feels great! We never ran it against the 361 after I ported it last year but I'm betting they would be pretty close mm'd to ported. I could be wrong. Anyway, I handled that 620p again recently when we got together and decided I want one to replace my thefted 361. I do like the ms362cm but not the price tag! It could very well be the better saw for some....Regardless, the dealers here aren't pro mechanics in my opinion.. They can't even seem to sharpen a chain correctly. So I don't think buying a new computerized stihl and having anyone work on it need be will be beneficial. I do all of my own work. And want to continue that. The 620p or maybe the 620Pw even, seems to be the best bang for the $ with the features and power I am looking for. I'd considered a 590, but I'm really looking for the extra "overbuild" quality that 620 has. Not that it wouldn't be plenty. Just, in my head knowing I will do some work on whatever saw I get eventually, the 620 is worth the extra couple of bills I believe. I have been looking at used saws, but anything I see worth paying for is so over priced, that it ain't worth paying for. It is the wrong time of year to need a good used saw I suppose. I was also looking at dolmar 6100's and 6400's online. Again zero dealer network for those or makita here either. Small network for husqvarna and I do run husky weadeaters. But the saw prices are equivalent to stihl if I'm going to get a good pro saw. I have handled the 620 atleast and gave it a pretty good look over. So I know I enjoy that one for sure. For as much as he has ran that saw, the cylinder and piston are absolutely beautiful. And the internal clutch is also Beautiful! Overall a simple, but great saw it seems. He's had his for several years, and he halfway takes care of it in my opinion. I can't believe he's never had an issue with it once. Anyhow.....I was just curious before I buy online or make a few hundred mile drive, if anyone on here is a dealer? And would be interested in working with me on a new saw? Thought I'd ask anyway. Seems there's been some good sales on echos lately online. But if I can support a trusted individual/small business that stays in touch with people in a community such as this one, that's the route I'd like to take. Or even a recommended online dealer.
Well that's about it for now. Sorry for so much reading material. I'm sure reading a newbs post is what everyone likes to do!
I do thank y'all for any advice or direction in advance though. Take care! Safe cutting!
And p.s. I will get an avatar, signature, and start trying to post frequently now that I popped this AS cherry. Posts won't be this long again either.
Thanks again!
Or if you want to be unique I can get you a Shindaiwa 600SX (red CS620) they look pretty sharp and cut great! Lemme know if you want a price on saws or parts even if you get it elsewhere we are all here to help.
The 271 will be the closest to what you have now due to more built in ignition curve and improved cyl design but the 355 is a animal for a TH and really wakes up after about 8 tanks and a muffler mod does good too. Try one out and if you want more/less you have 3 days to bring it back... if I had to have one it’d be the 355.

Lemme know what you decide and what you think of them!


That’s what I was leaning towards but that 271t is a modern design I believe. I checked out the Husqvarna 540xp and stihl 201tc but they are redicously expensive. I’ll let you know on Friday. 15% off one day sale. And order new rear handle for my big 620p. My ******* busted it taking down a heavy leaning ash tree and rolled the trunk on it. Tough saw. Recommend it to any proffesional tree worker over Husqvarna 562xp
That’s what I was leaning towards but that 271t is a modern design I believe. I checked out the Husqvarna 540xp and stihl 201tc but they are redicously expensive. I’ll let you know on Friday. 15% off one day sale. And order new rear handle for my big 620p. My ******* busted it taking down a heavy leaning ash tree and rolled the trunk on it. Tough saw. Recommend it to any proffesional tree worker over Husqvarna 562xp

Yeah man that 271 is a great middle ground for THs... the 15% is always good just find a place that will back the warranty all should but make sure you are cleaning air filter/fuel filters too I’ve seen a few items abused lately and people this echo will cover it... nope. Can’t blame Echo either. Those 620s are nice I love that family saw such a wide power band and sound great muffler modded.
Yeah man that 271 is a great middle ground for THs... the 15% is always good just find a place that will back the warranty all should but make sure you are cleaning air filter/fuel filters too I’ve seen a few items abused lately and people this echo will cover it... nope. Can’t blame Echo either. Those 620s are nice I love that family saw such a wide power band and sound great muffler modded.
I’m so impressed with echos x series chainsaws I haven’t wanted to buy any other brand for my midrange and top end saw choice. Now if they brought in a 70cc saw that’s like the 620 I’d be all over it

First off welcome! Some guys here are echo dealers and can help you out... I work at an Echo dealer now and can get one for you also but after shipping it may still be less then MSRP and register it in your name. If you are out of state I believe we do not have to charge tax too.

I think the 620 is a great way to go if you can afford it. They 590 is also a very reliable saw, like anything do proper maintenance and it will live a long life. I have a CS 600 that’s near 9 years old and cut thousands of oaks and still living a great life!

Let me know if ou have any questions and welcome!


Thank you for the welcome kind sir! Much appreciated!
I sent f150 a message this afternoon. I knew for sure he was/is an echo and Dolmar dealer. People seem to think awfully high of the man. And he's carrying 2 very awesome brands, so that was kind of my first step. Not sure if he's still in the business or not. Like I said, I've been a lurker for a while, but I don't keep up with anyone's day ins/outs. Not having any actual dealers here, I knew I would want to build a buyer/seller relationship with someone who is active here at AS with great information, and knowledge of what these different saws can do and have to offer. And at least I would have a communication route in the event I had a question.. I hate to cut into anyone's work and/or free time. But I am ready to buy. For the most part. Unless one of you knowledgeable folks say, "hey here's a better saw, and deal." I would buy a cs590 in a heartbeat best saw for the price period is what I am seeing. But I've had my heart set on the 620pw or 620p for a little while now. I think it's worth the price difference. I haven't played with a PW model. But I sure hate to regret not getting the wrap. I've managed this long without, but they seem like a worthwhile upgrade. Would like a 24 inch bar. I think? Based on the powerhead weight. Probably run a tsumura reduced for anything longer. Unless anyone has a different suggestion? My 361 ran a 25 90% of the time and it was a bit nose heavy. Not horrible. I'm really not familiar with echo/oregon stuff. I suppose I will be soon. By all means BGE541, I would love to get some prices from you pros here. 620p and pw both for gets and shiggles. I think they're within 50 bucks so it seems a no brainer. If it's not too much hassle for you. I sure appreciate ya! My zip is 65074. Good ol' Missouri. I can give you any other info you need, just let me know and I'll send it in conversation. Thanks Reed!
Or if you want to be unique I can get you a Shindaiwa 600SX (red CS620) they look pretty sharp and cut great! Lemme know if you want a price on saws or parts even if you get it elsewhere we are all here to help.
awesome! I have been looking at them too. Red is my favorite color. The orange just fits OPE in my opinion. Maybe I'm just so used to stihl and husq. Maybe I associate orange with being in the woods. Hell who knows. Haa! I like them all. A bogo sale sounds great at the moment
I'm not opposed to a shini either. They don't have a wrap model though in the u.s. correct?

Thanks for all the help once again! Very awesome to stick your neck out for a newb!
awesome! I have been looking at them too. Red is my favorite color. The orange just fits *** in my opinion. Maybe I'm just so used to stihl and husq. Maybe I associate orange with being in the woods. Hell who knows. Haa! I like them all. A bogo sale sounds great at the moment
I'm not opposed to a shini either. They don't have a wrap model though in the u.s. correct?

Thanks for all the help once again! Very awesome to stick your neck out for a newb!
No wrap in the US but if you want one I can get you a PW wrap and throw it on. No worries there I’ll get you prices on Friday if that works for you!
No wrap in the US but if you want one I can get you a PW wrap and throw it on. No worries there I’ll get you prices on Friday if that works for you!

You're the man Reed! Absolutely appreciate it! Friday is great. Any day/time buddy, don't go leaps and bounds out of your way. I don't want to be of inconvenience. But I will be looking forward to hearing from you! A shinny with the 620pw wrap would be a one of a kind in my neck of the woods for sure. Makes it a very intriguing option now.

I'll go ahead and send you a message. So you'll have other means of getting ahold of me. Might be more convenient? However you want to go about it is fine with me. I just very much appreciate what you're doing.

Thanks again! Have a good one!
Thanks to Mike I got the cyl cut and found TDC and zerod the wheel now just need to get some numbers marked off and grind away!


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Typo .0185” hahaha still not together been busy need to get the cyl laid out.
Ok some progress with the base cut the intake fell right in the 80s, transfers were spot on and raised the intake a whole lot... any guesses on exhaust number? Closest gets the porting numbers I used...

Cleaned it all up with brake clean and slapped some Dirko on it and letting it sit over night.



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Welp the night came and went, got some time in the garage and got it all thrown together, I’ll fire it up tomorrow and see if I remembered how it all went!!!

Not bad for the cost of a piston and some cleaning... think she will run well too.


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Ok she is back together and has a few heat cycles under her belt... looking forward to trying it in some wood!

Hey guys first post here trying to figure all this out I have been reading info from this site for a long time I but never posted took long time to read through this thread but awesome info in here I just traded a ms391 in on a echo 620p I haven’t got it yet should pick it up Friday been nervous about doing it but after reading through this the last week has made me feel better just hard to switch brands after it being born and bread into you Stihl or nothin but the new Stihl saws my opinion are junk so had to do something my 391 ran good but couldn’t wet a bar to save it’s life no matter the setting on the Oiler just wondering how good a 620p will oil a 24” bar that’s mostly what I need but will prob get a 27” for it in near future to seems like all the oak round here I get into is least 30” at the butt or up to 40+ thanks for the thread guys been a waterfall of info on these saws that just don’t have near the talk about as the other two orange colors
Hey guys first post here trying to figure all this out I have been reading info from this site for a long time I but never posted took long time to read through this thread but awesome info in here I just traded a ms391 in on a echo 620p I haven’t got it yet should pick it up Friday been nervous about doing it but after reading through this the last week has made me feel better just hard to switch brands after it being born and bread into you Stihl or nothin but the new Stihl saws my opinion are junk so had to do something my 391 ran good but couldn’t wet a bar to save it’s life no matter the setting on the Oiler just wondering how good a 620p will oil a 24” bar that’s mostly what I need but will prob get a 27” for it in near future to seems like all the oak round here I get into is least 30” at the butt or up to 40+ thanks for the thread guys been a waterfall of info on these saws that just don’t have near the talk about as the other two orange colors

Welcome, the 600/620 will oil a 24” and 27” bar just fine. I ran one through 5 gal on mix straight and no issues. Did you do the trade at a dealer? That’s a great swap, you’ll love the 620, they do great with even a simple muffler mod and retune. I used them a lot in Oregon and Washington for large Cedar, Oaks and Pines and all did great.

Welcome and Merry Christmas!

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