1999 7.3 PSD dually

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since you say he's had it since he was 15, are showing a picture of a rusty beat up old truck, it not really a stretch of logic to conclude he didn't take very good care of it. But like normal, you being involved it's definatly someone else's fault.
Funny, I never said he had it since he was 15. I said.......
This was my oldest son's first vehicle at 15. It was a 97 F350 7.3 5 speed. That is exactly what a 15 year old boy needs!!!!!! She is still on the road looking rough though.

I guess you missed the term "was" and made some sort of false assumption that makes you look like well........

In any event the picture posted is of his first truck at 15 BUT that picture is when the current owner tried selling it last Saturday on April Fools day at the Donavan Yoder auction. Here is the link through proxibid....

Are you a farmer? Do you use your truck for job everyday? I really don’t see how a 25 year old truck with easily fixed body damage that’s still driving daily hasn’t been taken care of.

It just comes off like you’re trying to insult a guy for no reason.
Sean is a great man but understanding of rural life might not be in his wheelhouse. A lot of folks have no idea what farming is like. There are folks that drive a truck to work and those who drive a truck for work. My ex-wife still has my King Ranch F-350 4 door that has never seen a day of work or salt in it's life until I got it. It was owned by a corporate type that needed a Ranger and not a F-350. He was a CBF (corn, beans and Florida farmer) and it never even pulled a gooseneck. Hell I had to put a hitch in it to pull my cattle trailer. My beautiful ex-wife now has it sitting in her machine shed and it is still like new just like my trailer...........I miss that truck and trailer but not as much as her :)
Sean is a great man but understanding of rural life might not be in his wheelhouse. A lot of folks have no idea what farming is like. There are folks that drive a truck to work and those who drive a truck for work. My ex-wife still has my King Ranch F-350 4 door that has never seen a day of work or salt in it's life until I got it. It was owned by a corporate type that needed a Ranger and not a F-350. He was a CBF (corn, beans and Florida farmer) and it never even pulled a gooseneck. Hell I had to put a hitch in it to pull my cattle trailer. My beautiful ex-wife now has it sitting in her machine shed and it is still like new just like my trailer...........I miss that truck and trailer but not as much as her :)
I understand rual life perfectly well, I live it daily, besides growing up on a farm, I help at my uncles farm down the street, not that having anything to do with farming qualifies for poor maintenence. Thats just an excuse. alas I did miss your "was" but instead of your asinine response of "you think my son did that." Your reply could have simply been, "my son doesn't still own the truck, thats how bad the next guy made it." At that I would have apologized and went on the same rant to the dick that ruined a perfectly good truck. I stand by what I said, anyone that let's a truck like that turn into a pos has no right to brag that "its still on the road." Nor should you be bragging that "it's still on the road."
I understand rual life perfectly well, I live it daily, besides growing up on a farm, I help at my uncles farm down the street, not that having anything to do with farming qualifies for poor maintenence. Thats just an excuse. alas I did miss your "was" but instead of your asinine response of "you think my son did that." Your reply could have simply been, "my son doesn't still own the truck, thats how bad the next guy made it." At that I would have apologized and went on the same rant to the **** that ruined a perfectly good truck. I stand by what I said, anyone that let's a truck like that turn into a pos has no right to brag that "its still on the road." Nor should you be bragging that "it's still on the road."
Why not? I think the fact that it is still on the road after the life it has had is a testament to the quality of construction.
That looks like a Ceturion package truck?
I don't think so as it does not have any of the centurion badges inside or out. the company that owned it was airstream japan. they used it to tow new campers form the port up to their showroom as well as the occasional trade show. currently it sports a fifth wheel slider in the back, which i will be removing as i need bed space and all of my trailers are bumper pull.
I bought my 99 7.3 Six Speed Crew Cab new in 1999. It's a great platform. Now with the odometer is showing over 300,000 miles I just replaced the water pump for the 2nd time a week ago. Best place to get parts IMO is https://www.riffraffdiesel.com/
Yes I have spent a chunk of change with Riffraff, Clay has been very easy and pleasant to work with.

I'd get a spare hpop before I would worry about the lines, fuel line packing/ oring kit is nice to have on hand too. I think it was the cam sensor that was notorious for randomly going out. Injector 8 seems to the favorite for trouble. Oh keep after the oil pan, can't tell you how many I've patched closed or replaced/helped replace. Oh valve cover gaskets and a spare top end engine harness. The aftermarket ones suck, and oe is getting hard to find. Last year I did my dad powerstroke van harness and valve covers. To put it bluntly, be glad you have a pickup. Can't seem to think of anything else I'd want to have on hand if parts were a bugger to get. Oh yeah the injection pressure Control sensor. (Somethijg like that.) It's the one on the driver side bank head close to the hpop. Hmm I could make a spares list for days if I knew I wouldn't be able to get stuff for them easily.
Good score though, with any type of decent care it will easily go 300+k miles. All the 7.3 diesels we've ever had were great.

currently I have gotten spare parts to include, CPS, IPR, ICP, valve cover gaskets, the UVC harness, glow plugs, and all of the oil and water temp sensors and about half dozen others. I have them all in my shop for when needed.

Currently holding off on buying any more as I just got a parts truck and after i pull the engine from it I will decided what else i need.
for your viewing pleasure I present Fugly the aircraft tug:


Now fugly here came from either MCAS Iwakuni, or from MCAS Futenma on okinawa. but it ended up for sale at DRMO about 5 or 6 years ago... the Japanese guy that bought it was using it as a yard tug to move large trailers about. he put it up for sale on Yahoo auctions this month so i bought it... Now I have an entire running engine for spare parts along with an entire front clip as well. :)
Those models had a poorly designed pickup in the fuel tanks, only a little strainer over the suction tube. They would get partially blocked with alge or other crap causing all types of hpop, lift pump, and injector failures. Very often the truck would not show power loss because it would be gradual over time until it just became totally clogged. I suggest inspecting the pickup and finding a better sponge style pickup filter to help reduce the chance of blockage. There were two fuel filters, one under the hood that got changed because people could see it and a second in the frame rail under the drivers side that was almost always loaded with garbage. Do not leave the drivers window down in the rain, its was typically kills the gem module that controls the door/seatbelt chime and power windows..they can be a pta to change or source. Nice truck, good investment. Check out corroseal to coat the underside to help prevent rusting.
Gem module- not the window but a leak in the front window and cowl area- have tshirt
Yea there was a factory defect in the windshield sealant application but those were all redone by now so what is seen now is failures from the drivers window being left down window. If one is clever it could be sealed up to prevent a water intrusion failure.
My 97 with 120,000 miles is JUNK! something is ALWAYS wrong with it, glow plugs are always going out, now injectors are going out, damn automatic trans is junk,---wont shift right and sometimes not at all. IF it ran right I could get 16 mpg, BUT because of the stupid auto. trans. it is now getting 4 pulling my dump trailer!
Hope you got a 7.3 with MANUAL trans!!!
Ford NEVER did make an automatic trans that was any good!!!
My 97 with 120,000 miles is JUNK! something is ALWAYS wrong with it, glow plugs are always going out, now injectors are going out, damn automatic trans is junk,---wont shift right and sometimes not at all. IF it ran right I could get 16 mpg, BUT because of the stupid auto. trans. it is now getting 4 pulling my dump trailer!
Hope you got a 7.3 with MANUAL trans!!!
Ford NEVER did make an automatic trans that was any good!!!
Well neither did Dodge. I had 5 that proved it.
Funny I have had very good luck with ford auto trannies, But then I always have had over sized coolers on them and changed fluid and filters twice a year. Additionally , as I live in rust belt, you have to pay particular attention to all grounding connections- but that is a another subject that can get pretty intense. But these new 6 and 10 speed rigs are junk from all mfgs. 100k and you have to rebuild them at abhorant costs- if you get that far. Now days most of my driving is freeway which is very easy on trannies unlike in town stop and go. Even so 145000 miles and the 2016 ( 6 sp) unit was going south. 6k to repair, that's insane-Unit got smeared from behind- ins. declared it a total loss. That's 2 in a row won't buy any more uni body units in the future. My 84 F350 ( 6.9) got just shy of 300k on the oem tranny , my 99 F350 V10 was over 250k still on oem tranny , the 06 f250 5.4 had a torq converter fail but that was from an electrical problem- poor grounds. My 04 F250 ( 6.0) tranny is still going strong at 253k ( ya played the game with everything else on that mill all caused by EPA mandated junk so still drining that one trying to get to a break even point.) couple dodges in there an 1988 that made to 1995 and a 1992 that tranny went at 69k Got that repaired under warranty- kids drove it until there was nothing left due to the red death. 3 Gm 's in there trannys ok but drove me nutz with other issues. I ran a snow plow service back then which is nasty on everything hence the high #of units. 3 trucks in the field one in reserve. Gets pricy, could never do that in the current market and come out ahead.
My 97 with 120,000 miles is JUNK! something is ALWAYS wrong with it, glow plugs are always going out, now injectors are going out, damn automatic trans is junk,---wont shift right and sometimes not at all. IF it ran right I could get 16 mpg, BUT because of the stupid auto. trans. it is now getting 4 pulling my dump trailer!
Hope you got a 7.3 with MANUAL trans!!!
Ford NEVER did make an automatic trans that was any good!!!
How close to Cincinnati are you , I know several people that buy those trucks up.
Actually anything that is first or 2nd tier or less EPA wise is getting bought up. So the market pricing wise has gotten overheated there also. Gennerally pre 2008.
I am in midstate Illinois. not sure how far Cin. is from here.
I gotta have a 1 ton dual wheel cab chassics model to pull my trailers with and it
gotta have a MANUAL trans. in it! I did offer to trade one time since everybody thinks 7.3 and auto. trans are so great! LOL!!
My F150 is a auto box, and I have had zero issues its at 145k miles. I think this is because I flushed/changed fluid every 30k miles according to the mfr schedule with the correct fluids, that and i have a trans cooler that is larger than the stock towing package cooler that the truck came with. I heard of too many folks driving and putting 90 or 110k without changing the fluid and then wonder why their transmission let lose. in regards to the fuel tank on the dually just do the hutch/harpoon mods and stop worrying. (that and buy clean fuel to begin with).
My 97 books say that this trans is NOT to have fluid changed til time of rebuild! It has been changed by a guy that was working on the truck motor, so he decides to change fluid too when I told him NOT to!--after that everything went to hell!! so Ford was probably right, keep you hands off it!!
97 -99 f150 standard auto tranniy was bottom of line- splash lubrication of tail shaft bearing - typical life time of that particular unit is apx 100k mi. the bearing goes south and grinds its way out of the case. nothing shows up in performance- but when mine went (120k) i had black tranny fluid, the last change was done by a shop. never seen black tranny fluid- but new stuff appears on market . so took to a tranny shop that builds race units, above info is from them. at that 120 k the overdrive band was about gone had to get a replacement case. The next unit up in the line does not have that issue. In the 97 model year Ford made a f250 that used the F150 body & frame, call it a heavy 1/2ton , up graded springs and larger brakes 5.4 triton and the next tranny up. 97-99 5.4 and the v10 had a ratchet type timing chaing tension system that never released- those units seldom had an issue with timing chain failure- when they went to the oil pressure tension assembly that is when problems started to arise.

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