1st chainsaw purchase

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baby pic

i dont understand. if i make a joke, you all wig out, although you can joke about me. upon receiving your jokes, i don't cry to darin. i think its funny and healthy. it brings a little life to the forum. nice pic, although im a tad bit darker being an african-american and i assure you that i am not adam lucas although i wish he were still here. his posts were entertaining unlike some of the others here, showing pics of all their gear. wow buddy, congrats, you've got alot of gear next to bush in 04. the question is, do you know how to use it all.
Originally posted by ArtifexArboreus
i assure you that i am not adam lucas although i wish he were still here.

He showed up on Tuesday, and gets banned. You show up today and miss him? Looks like you've gone from being owner of fly by night tree care to owner of Troll By Day Inc.

Do you look anything like this?
Originally posted by TreeJunkie
Go w/ Stihl. I've ran both. In my opinion Shindaiwa are a large hot load of crapp.

If you want tendonitis of the elbow go w/ the shindaiwa. They won't stay running for anything.

This is one that I will disagree on. I run several Shindaiwas, I also have a lot of other brands of saws.

While the Shindaiwas may weigh a little more than their Stihl or Husky counterparts, they are no less reliable.

The performance isn't too bad either!!!

Some real good deals can be found on Ebay.
We went for a "Haunted Hayride" Right before Halloween. All of a Sudden There Stood Jason With The Spot Light On hin Pulling the Crap out of the Starter Rope of his Mac Eager Beaver! I shouted Should have Bought a Stihl! He threw the Mac towards the Wagon!And Stood they with his hands on his Hips. Funny as Hell:D
Re: Uh ohhhhh....

Originally posted by MasterBlaster
Ummm, DAVID!!!




LMAO Yeah He is Going to Beat me with a 6Lb Hunk of Mac Yellow Plastic! :D
i dress up every year, even look at jobs dressed.

Go to customers house i know is cool, blend in with kids; bluff way in door in confusion etc. Already know who is calm, have kids, no big dogs etc. having visited during year!

i'm always unrecognizable and demonic; this year only got thrown out of BestBuy; and only for standing there picking out tv etc. At the end of the day, trip thru a few bars. Go up to Ladies (try to hear name first) that i've never seen before and put on like they should know who it is. Why heck; we had the best time, at least i did; we started kinda out (real vague) by a parking lot a year and a half ago, i'd been out of town, but never forgot.....

Never get a denial, always get some kind of guessing, scanning thru memeory, blushing etc. i'd never mess around behind m'Lady's back etc.; so is jsut a fun thing!

65 year old Lady notices costume; i say i think she is nice too, or "Come here lil'girl!" want some candy?; all in fun!

Many stories; why should kids have all the fun! Heck, there as tall as me!
Re: bogus??

Originally posted by ArtifexArboreus
on last years ms660, the oilier dabbled right next to the sprocket. although there may not have been a chain to carry the oil, the oil dripping next to the sprocket would have been thrown forward. i challenge you to test it if only you had the money to afford a 660. nice try but the only thing bogus in this you. ya, take that buddy.
no seriously, even without a chain, a little oil will be thrown. i can see how you would think this is bogus but it did happen. quite amusing to may i ad.
Interesting how AA claims the story is real yet uses subjunctive terms to describe his self-purported actions, i.e. "would have been thrown" and "will be thrown," not "was thrown," implicitly contradicting himself.
english teacher

wow buddy, i guess you got me. i didn't know i had to use proper english when posting on this board. because of my lack of proper tense use, my story becomes false. im a liar.

Go for Shindiawa, because Stihl dealers are nothings but a holes, I know this because my brother tried to ask a Stihl a question and the idiot flipped out on him. He only asked a question about the idle of a blower. And Shindaiwa is a nicer saw i think.
Re: english teacher

Originally posted by ArtifexArboreus
wow buddy, i guess you got me. i didn't know i had to use proper english when posting on this board. because of my lack of proper tense use, my story becomes false. im a liar.
Proper English isn't necessary to convince, but being coherent and cohesive is. I never said you lied, I only showed that you're not convincing. Consider the statement "I didn't do it, and I'll never do it again." See my point? lol
Re: Shindaiwa

Originally posted by huskycandoit
Go for Shindiawa, because Stihl dealers are nothings but a holes, I know this because my brother tried to ask a Stihl a question and the idiot flipped out on him. He only asked a question about the idle of a blower. And Shindaiwa is a nicer saw i think.

Hmmm, so does that mean all people from Pittsburgh are idiots?:D

I think your logic is skewed at best.
Re: english teacher

Originally posted by ArtifexArboreus
wow buddy, i guess you got me. i didn't know i had to use proper english when posting on this board. because of my lack of proper tense use, my story becomes false. im a liar.
First, you should always capitalize the first letter of a sentence. Also, the word, I, needs to be capitalized. These are basic principles of grammar.
Now, it gets a little more complicated. Whenever you use a contraction, you need an apostrophe. Examlpe: You wrote "im a liar." The correct sentence structure would be "I'm a liar." Do you see the difference?
These simple rules help all of us when using the written word to communicate.
Originally posted by Mike Maas
What's the deal with "it's" and "its"?
"It's" is a contraction of either the words, it is or it has.

"Its" is used to show ownership between two objects.

Hopefully that will help clear things up for you.
Don't go crying to Daniel...

If "it" possesses an it, then it's "its" it.
belonging to Mike = Mike's
belonging to Chris = Chris' (omit the s after an s)
belonging to us = our, ours
belonging to you = your, yours
(it is your choice -- the choice is yours)
belonging to it = its

it is = it's
it will = it'll
it would = it'd

is not = isn't
can not = can't
do not = don't

you are = you're
we are = we're
who are = who're