I M H O :
If the guy is going to use the saw, wonderful. But if he is going to hoad it
to try to make a "killing" later, and doesn't ever use a chain saw, I don't like
It. I have no trouble with a guy making a buck, but look at what happened
to the car market. And if the guy has never run a saw and wants one, more
power to him.
Look at the car market, fat cats buying and reselling. I was at a car
show and a guy was saying he had just bought a Cunningham, built by a man
I knew, and I asked what engine it had. He looked at me like I was nuts,
He only wanted to resell.
A math teacher in Indiana uses a rare Ferrari as a driver, and is taken
to task for not putting it in a museum, because of the racing history.
His reply:Enzo built the cars to be run!!!!
I'm done, I would just like to think that the 090 would be run or was bought
so he could run the pee out of his other 090.