Information Collector
No pics yet that I can see. ....
I can't see them either, but then I am at a cell-phone dial-up at the cottage at the moment!
No pics yet that I can see. ....
OOO, a TW thread!! cool. Here is the pics. See if I can help here.
Question for ya TW, are you tig welding your mufflers? Last time I did a muffler was the first time with my new tig, and I had a hell of a time cause the filler was too thick, couldn't find any thinner. So I haven't tried it yet but was going to try to use some mig wire as filler since its sooo much smaller. What do you use?
Question for ya TW, are you tig welding your mufflers? Last time I did a muffler was the first time with my new tig, and I had a hell of a time cause the filler was too thick, couldn't find any thinner.
All the MM I've done on 361s turn them into another saw. Those have got to be in the top 5 of "most choked up saws".I bet they gain a bit more w/o the internals.
Ok I put www in front of the links, can you see em now?
If so I'll delete some of the others.
Got to give away all the secrets eh!
I have not been able to source filler less than 1/16 up here, there is at least one place in US selling thinner and specilty fillers but it was going to be pretty expensive to get them shipped up and through customs. I had planned to put an order together but had not got to it yet.
1/16 is a bit thick, I can make do with it on mufflers but on pipes it makes a big weld, Here is my redneck engineering solution, mig filler is too floppy to deal with on it's own but twisting two 0.023 wires together with a drill makes it stiffer and it works quite nice.
I don't know what was up with the pics last night, first off I posted in the wrong thread by accident then either my computer or the site was slow and I had some failed uploads when trying to fix the problems.
Apparently there are two english sites and a japanese site that gets used.Last night I could not see TW pictures, TW poasted a link to the the org
post where he had pictures. I still couldn't see pictures but noticed that
I wasn't logged in on that threadSo I logged in as I had it open
in a new window. Then I could see pictures in both threads. I'm at work
now, I had to do the same thing at work as I did at home to see the pictures.
Apparently there are two english sites and a japanese site that gets used.
Examples: - is the english site I normally link into. - where some peeps login - NO www where I get japanese characters
If you noticed when TW said where he posted the pictures it was
so watch your prefixes.