I'm an old motorcycle man, 2 stroke, from the '70's and early '80's.
EPA is the motive force behind 50:1 mix.
32:1 gives best power. It seals the rings better, (less blowby) I don't know if these auto adjust carbs can run it. But, if you can get rid of exhaust faster, run more oil, open the intake, (bigger carb) free flowing air filter, (big box, big holes, ez flow filter, you can get more power.
Another thing is the ash temp of your oil. Low ash temp 2 stroke oil goes in marine applications. Hi ash temp goes in chainsaws.
Effective mods would seem to include a mechanism to keep it cool, and lubed.
I'm WAY out of date, but there are some basic things. I've been looking at Husky 562, and stihl's new one, the 462, I think it is.
Anyway, the company's cannot tell you to go extra oil, but mods and oil, and keeping her cool all play a part. Maybe even an aluminum sheet, to keep muffler heat back from the cylinder fins. When motorcycles went liquid cooled, they bumped up the power by some huge amounts. 30%, or 40%, maybe.
Whoever figures out how to do a liquid cooled saw, without a lot of weight, will make a mean machine!