Does sawdust get into your modded muffler?

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This is an excellent idea! In fact I was wondering if I could buy one of those round-exhaust dual port mufflers from ebay and add the screens myself somehow but couldn't think of a good way to do that.
I think Lakeside actually had a part number for the conical screen (from a weedeater or something like that), but that info is surely long lost on my computer...maybe if you search for "Lakeside MS361 muffler mod" you can find it. (Now that I think about it, I think I used that part number for the conical screen I added to my 361, but when I did my 660, I just made what I needed from some SS screen I got on ebay.)
Well, that makes sense; then one would block off the ports only when the saw is not in use, to keep insects and such out.

The reason I was asking is that I plan to leave the factory deflector and screen alone, but then to add a second deflector as shown at . The second deflector doesn't have a screen.

The other way I was considering was to leave my dremel on the shelf and just buy a modded muffler. I've seen some nice looking ones with dual ports and these do not have screens.

Ideally I would like to experiment with a dual hole muffler with screens - I agree that they don't block much of anything, especially since I clean mine regularly.

So, add a screen. I do that on all my muffler mods
Stink bug invasion is absolutely crazy here too! Never thought about them getting in mufflers but I can see that.
I live in the country surrounded by very large farms.
I have several Peach, Pear, Apple, Asian Pear trees, black berries & two large gardens too so the stinker feels right at home here. Eat flowering trees & roses & have lots of them here too.
Good news is our super nerds are working hard on these problem critters (see link).
But I see the way they eat & make babies even faster so they better speed it up huh?
I think Lakeside actually had a part number for the conical screen (from a weedeater or something like that), but that info is surely long lost on my computer...maybe if you search for "Lakeside MS361 muffler mod" you can find it. (Now that I think about it, I think I used that part number for the conical screen I added to my 361, but when I did my 660, I just made what I needed from some SS screen I got on ebay.)
Same source here, 1mm stainless screen material in 8.5x11 sheets for pretty cheap.