85 Million Dollars

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Tree Freak
Oct 3, 2006
Reaction score
chester co pa
That is what Mr. Schomsky got after taxes from the 222 Million he won in the lottery. So he built himslef a rather ritzy complex in Eaglville.
When I first met him today he told me he was about to call the police on me. I guess I should start at the begining?
So I was meeting Tony from Ornamental Landscapes to look over this job he was bidding on. I got to the house first, he showed up 5 minutes later. Since there was a gate with a cameras and a key pad I stayed on the 2 lane country road with the hazzards on and YES I was waiting for the cops anyway. I didn't know the Mr. Schmonsky at that point and was just meeting my " agent" to look over the job with him. I sure as hell didn't know which button to push to open the dam gate.
So Tony shows up and he pushes the button, the gate opens we roll in. I noticed one of those bigger front deck mowers making its way down the drive towards us and while we drove up to the the circle and parked it followed.
Tony got out and I made a comment about the smashed fender on his wife's Explorer. He told me a deer hit it just last night. While we are talking the mower arrives and Mr. Schmonsky gets out, we all shake hands and say hi.
Then he says " I was just about to call the cops on you" to me. I about died of laughter but it didn't show. Instead I just look at him dead while he explains how everbody is " caseing " his place. I am thinking a few things at this point:1. the cops don't scare me and it would be my %$#@ing pleasure. 2. Its not like it would be the first time dillhole 3. This is the type of wack job that call the cops on everybody anyway. 4. I need to buy more Roundup.
So after listening to Mr. Schomonsky cry about the curse of 85 mil me and Tony head back to look at the job which he got. Of course Mr. Schomosky doesn't have the best relationship with his neighbors so you all know how that can go but that isn't that bad. I find when the HO tells us we can't get on the neighsbors property its because the HO and them hate each other and when we ask and explain they let us on save for the occasional Nazi you run into and usually the entertainment from them makes the aggravation worth while anyway.
As of now Mr. Schomosky doesn't know The Dan and I am just one of the guys so the job is good for go... when it dries out. Mr. Schomonsky has special imported grass and all that so's we have to be careful.
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Sounds like he's on crack.

Who's on crack? Me? Mr. Schomonsky? The Cops? The Dan?:dizzy:

Really I just wanted to kick the guy. I suppose if someone parked in front of my house (hich not many do)and I never saw them before I would look to see what was up. Once I saw a lady hit my car while she was parking then take off. Thing was her boyfriend lived next door and when she got horny she came back.

This guy kinda went off while I just looked at him. He tried to tell me again but gave up when he realized I didn't really care.

This was a public road, sure a cop passing by should stop and it happens.
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Dude I live in rural Oklahoma. Plenty of paranoid dope fiends around here. No one calls the cops much around here though. About a 45 minute response time. Suspicious characters are usually checked out by the homeowner themselves, shotgun in hand.

I know better than The Dan being on crack... Maybe some serious bubonic chronic... :)
Did you get the job? I hope you quote him top dollar and bring some crew along who need a paycheck.

That much money can really ruin someone's life. I've always said the lottery payouts should be in smaller increments - say 2-3 million. If the jackpot is 15 million, they pull 5 sets of numbers and the same number set can't win twice in the same drawing. That would increase everyone's chances and they would probably sell more tickets.
Dude I live in rural Oklahoma. Plenty of paranoid dope fiends around here. No one calls the cops much around here though. About a 45 minute response time. Suspicious characters are usually checked out by the homeowner themselves, shotgun in hand.

I was about to say..

Where I live, if someone stops on the road they are usually lost, so I walk out and ask if they need any help.

I know better than The Dan being on crack...

Ya!, we all know he's drunk on his own ego ;)
Dude I live in rural Oklahoma. Plenty of paranoid dope fiends around here. No one calls the cops much around here though. About a 45 minute response time. Suspicious characters are usually checked out by the homeowner themselves, shotgun in hand.

*jovial tone* Memoriessssssss..........

man i hate living in the city!
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Dude I live in rural Oklahoma. Plenty of paranoid dope fiends around here. No one calls the cops much around here though. About a 45 minute response time. Suspicious characters are usually checked out by the homeowner themselves, shotgun in hand.

I know better than The Dan being on crack... Maybe some serious bubonic chronic... :)

My Dad lives in southeast OK, in Boswell. If they need the police, they call Durant, like 30+ miles away, and a Durant police officer drives to Boswell, gets out of the Durant police car, into the ONLY Boswell police car, and responds to the call. Atleast 1 hour response time. Shotguns are the law.

I love it there.:greenchainsaw:
i grew up SW of tulsa by about an hour, and it was the same way. 30 minutes at least for cops. one time we had a rabid skunk eating a litter of puppies, took them 8 hours to respond to that one lol.
Yeah, people like this always remind me to buy more round up...LOL!

Good luck with this guy.

I did a removal, grind, dig for replant, project for a guy in a ritzy neighborhood. I couldn't wait to get out of there. I'd rather work in da hood.

Why, why are rich people so unbelieveably void of common sense and the poorer folks a bit more inclined to have an abundance?

Whether it was the chipper or the grinder, you turn around and they are right there watching, kid in hand. Even had an older woman come right up to me while I'm grinding to start a conversation. I can't hear a thing!

By this I'm convinced that the legal meds are far worse than the natural stuff.
If they would just legalize the bubonic, then I could get something done on that side of town, but nooo......everyone is out wondering around on a legally toned down timothy leary bike ride.

No wonder they put up the fences and the gates and the cameras and the keypads, but I wonder....does it keep the nuts out or the nuts in?
Why, why are rich people so unbelieveably void of common sense and the poorer folks a bit more inclined to have an abundance?

because rich people normally grew up rich, ie, not needing common sense. they have butlers for that. mid to lower class people have to do much more themselves, and often learn a little in the process
because rich people normally grew up rich, ie, not needing common sense. they have butlers for that.

Not so much that as that they have people who will do anything to get things done for them. Quite often there are unreal expectations, such as no lawn damage on humongous trees.

When I worked for Dave (treeslayer) we had several who thought we could just pull the stump out with the crane.
Not so much that as that they have people who will do anything to get things done for them. Quite often there are unreal expectations, such as no lawn damage on humongous trees.

When I worked for Dave (treeslayer) we had several who thought we could just pull the stump out with the crane.

Same Dave that was in Tulsa?
Same Dave that was in Tulsa?

No, Tulsa was the only time I worked for Peterson, Inc. This Dave could get up on time, most days, though he did blow a lot on strippers from what I was told....That job I had to buy my truck boxes and the 385 to keep out of a higher tax bracket.