Originally posted by TREETX
It sounds like glorified Japanese Iambic Pentameter.
Or at least it seems iambic pentameter is an integral part of haiku
All verse has a meter, one of the precepts of poetry is theat is is learned and shows a higher social elevation of the user. And our minds love patterns.
Iambic Pentameter uses 5 sets of 2 ylybles with a soft HARD rythym
Thake this from Marlowe's
Dr. Faustus
"Oh, GENtle FaustUS, leave THIS ????èd ART!"
The intent is to have it flow from the actor
this form is ment more to be heard then to be read.
Haiku deals more with the brevity of the poem then with the meter. It has the same effect as a good joke or riddle by giving the reader a flash of insite.
I could not see myself sitting through a Haiku recitle, but I do like Shakespear Marlowe and the like.
On the flip side, I don't like reading those works because I'm not trained in it and it does not come out right.