A few thoughts at the wood pile

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I remind my son all the time of that fact that some people actually pay a gym to get the exercise we get for free but he doesn't seem to buy it. The whole process of heating with wood has to be one of the most rewarding pastimes around.

I told my son something similar after he asked me to buy him a gym membership(he's 13) i showed him how to split wood with the good ole 8lbs maul. He took right to it and after 2 or 3 nights of splitting some 46" hackberry stumps with a maul a sledge and some wedges he told me" man i have a lot more energy" my reply was that those tools are a but heavier than the PS3 controller he normally holds.
"my reply was that those tools are a but heavier than the PS3 controller he normally holds"

About sums it up, our 5 year old keeps wanting a DS, instead he got a wheel barrow for his birthday. He's had so much fun pottering around behind me with a few splits in it.

Over the last 4 years, we have halved our heating oil use, with only a 7kw rateded room heater and a shed load of insulation. Next years project is a Living room remodel, wife wants this and that.... I want bigger stove! fair trade I say.
Several people around here jokingly rag me a 08f150 about our wood piles saying we have enough wood split for the next 10yrs why you keep cutting??? We laugh and tell them if you burn wood you can never have enough..LOLOL Which they dont understand.... Ive got under roof about 2 plus yrs worth and at 08s yard about another yr or 2 to be stacked, and hes got about 2-3 seasoned and about another 2-3 fresh.....

Ive gone from using around 800-1000 gallons of propane a yr and thats cooking,hot water and heat down to about 200 a yr should be filling up today with 200 gals and the price today is $2.55 gal. B.S.. I need to figure out how to heat my water with the stove so I can use even less.....:deadhorse:
Never heard of "enough wood"

You folks are the reason I sit and read the post with my morning coffee. I tell my friends and family, “it’s a woodburner thing, you would not understand.:cheers:
S.E. pa huh? where abouts?

I live in Limerick, work in K of P. I too am lucky to have an abundant supply of fire wood. Plus my neighbor just cut the crap out of his woods, not sure why, (he doesn't need the money) so there is a ton of slash wood laying around. He is cool if I go and pick through it.
You folks are the reason I sit and read the post with my morning coffee. I tell my friends and family, “it’s a woodburner thing, you would not understand.:cheers:

It sure is. A lot of good posts on this thread. Been burning since I put my 200 dollar Franco Belge Wood/coal stove in back in November 1996. The only year it didn't burn was the year the Army sent me overseas. Hey, I had to do what my Uncle Sam wanted.:agree2:
I live in Limerick, work in K of P. I too am lucky to have an abundant supply of fire wood. Plus my neighbor just cut the crap out of his woods, not sure why, (he doesn't need the money) so there is a ton of slash wood laying around. He is cool if I go and pick through it.

I live right by KOP, but I'm the opposite direction of Limerick. I have had some free wood, but not a lot.