Official Stihl Disser
So when my tool comes, the exhaust is going to 1/2". I'll finally be able to adjust it. I tried a few of the tricks people have suggested and those screws wouldnt budge. This saw may actually shed its name as 'dirt saw' after I get it tuned up.
I want to get a 16" bar/chain for this saw. Can someone provide me a link to baileys with the correct bar mount? Thanks!
For the carb screws a pair of hemostats will unscrew them,then slot em..
google "ryobi chainsaw parts "..plenty with an IPL even..
i put a 16in homelite on one and a 16in windsor on another,no idea of mount type,tried until i got a fit..had to modify windsor a bit,no big deal..
tune it the wood and you can lean on it a bit and WILL surprise you !!