Greetings! I snoop around here every once and a while when I’m looking for answers to various questions that arise in my work as a production arborist. You guys are great! So here I am… finally making an appearance as a registered user and begging for your help:
There are these two Stihl 362s with bad motors just collecting dust in our shop. I am not entirely sure what is wrong with them yet, but my boss claims that the pistons/rings/sleeves are bad. He has purchased the necessary engine rebuild parts for them and had told me that if I manage to successfully get them running again, he would give me one of them. Sounds like a good deal to me! Actually, it sounds like it could be a lot of fun! I like to think that I am pretty mechanically inclined and I have a LITTLE bit of two-stroke engine repair experience, but this would pretty much be a new venture into uncharted territory for me.
I am starting my journey here hoping you folks could provide me with some advice, guidance, encouragement, love, support, and maybe point me towards any available resources out there that might help me with the project. Thanks!