I didn't read all the above posts, so this might be a duplicate of what someone else has already said. This is what I have found with Craigslist, it is good and bad. Lots of tire kickers on CL, I think much more so than anywhere else, and you must have a lot of patience and be really good with people because you will get contact from people wanting things cheap or in trade for your services, etc. But it can be good, I get the odd job off of there, usually the small homeowner stuff that has a log or two that wants sawn or wants a few boards or beams cut for a small project. My experience has been, that in small business, your best leads will come from word of mouth, professionally produced advertising, and public access listings like the phone book. People need to be able to find you, and so ask yourself, for your area, where is the first place people look, phone book, online, etc. Hire a trained researcher to find out where people look when they want rough cut lumber. It might seem like a lot of money, but if it means you spend your money on advertising in the right place, then it will be more than worth their professional fees, or, take some courses at a local university and do the legwork yourself. I have a degree that covers this sort of thing, and it is well worth the time and effort being able to spearhead this type of thing yourself. Not saying you need a fancy piece of paper, but a few business and research courses will really hone you in to how to properly conduct, collect and interpret data about your target fields.
all the best.