I live in an 1800 square foot ranch style home (no basement, 8ft ceilings) in central Illinois and would like to purchase an indoor wood furnace for supplemental heat. Currently, I do not have an indoor wood furnace and heat my home with a downflow gas furnace (LP). With the current price of petroleum, I would like to reduce my dependence. Ideally, I would like to install the wood furnace in my garage and run 6” or 8” duct into the house pushed by an inline electric fan. Before I purchase an indoor wood furnace, I would like to get your opinion on which unit/components would be best for my application. Further, I would like to spend less than $1200 and was looking at the United Stove furnace (1537G, https://www.ruralking.com/Store/detail.aspx?ID=7832 ) that is carried by an area business. Any advice and guidance appreciated.