Here's what you said.
Have you seen his chains cut before. If he can't sharpen a chain, he would be in a heck of a place with a chain "as sharp as he can get it".
It's that simple.
You didn't suggest a sharp chain, but a chain "as sharp as he could get it".
Some people have a hard time holding a conversation based on what they say, not what they mean

I don't disagree that a sharp chain is a good idea, but I'm unaware of his sharpening abilities

Again I apologize for my incorrect quotes, I've said it before in other places , I have this really cool piece of titanium in my head that unfortunately makes me forget 99% of what I type as soon as I type it. I have to go back and refresh if someone like you hits the like button on one of my comments, literally 3 min after I type it ,I will have to go back and reread it just to see what someone likes, frustrating to say the least.
If I had known there was going to be a test, I would have reread before I posted.
To me it sounds as though you are trying to avoid my primary question that I posed to you. And there is no need to do that because I am only asking because you may possess information that I would like to possess myself,definitely not being critical of your statement!
I stand by all my assertions that a sharp chain is required, as sharp as you can get it and/or a new RS is a good thing also.
Let's take those statements out of the equation, and try one more time to see if I can articulate my query properly.
Chipper, how are you today, I'm fine, thanks.
I had something I was gonna ask you that you probably know more about than I. I read this awhile ago from a guy that by all accounts isn't a dummy,
A chain as sharp as he can get it could be a good thing, or it could be the thing that makes everything go bad.
The part I am curious about is the second portion, could you please explain how a very sharp could , if I remember correctly ,make everything go bad? I feel as though I am missing info that I may need in the future , so if you know please tell me before I forget what we're talking about again!
Thanks, Matt....
Sorry about my miss quotes,I guess I was generalising generally, won't happen again. I will make sure I confirm my sources n the future.
I really do forget that quickly, I can be watching a movie and get up to get a drink and have no clue what I'm watching.
Been a long time since it got me called out though, did my wife put you up to it, she does the same thing and tries to turn my questions around on me to avoid the actual question....