Age and heat

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Some folks are genetically pre-adapted to warm/hot weather, some to cold. Meaning, how quickly they can cope with transitions. For me, a day or two and I'm okay with well below freezing. It can take a week to be able to handle 90s. So you deal with it.

Couple of us got lucky a week back. It only got up to ~80 deg where we were felling & bucking trees up north. Managed to keep going for ~9 hrs. Cold ale and a shower never felt so good. Still not a summer-person, except immersed in a river or lake.

Louisiana would be a stretch. :eek:
Middle of harvest seassn here and a heat wave. Temps high 90s and a few 100 or more, 101 Friday, today 100. I have eagerly awaiting the farmer to cut a couple fields so I can get into his willow groves. He cut one Friday. I was wondering how I'd stand cutting in that heat. Turned out not to be a problem. Arrive at 6am with plans to cut until the heat gets to me and quit. Turns out my age 79 1/2 and heat are coordinated. By the time the heat is building I have "pooped out" and ready to quit anyhow - usually at about the 3 hour point although the last 30 minutes are more just 'picking at it' than really working. :)

First day out yesterday I got skunked. Promised the farmer that I would remove a tree ready to fall in his field. Turned out it had already fallen anyhow. I cut it back to the field edge and piled brush. Got only a shirt tail full of wood out of it as it dead and rotten the full length. Today another - same situation but this time still alive and good wood. Came home today with a very small load but enough to cover the expenses. Back tomorrow to continue working on that one - it was two stemmer and I got most of the smaller one. Bad lie, though, bridges a deep ditch so I can't get the truck to the lower half of the tree. I'll have to cut short sections and skid them out with the truck. Sure would like to have the use of one of those huge farm tractors but I wouldn't have a clue as to operating one.

Harry K
Born and raised in N/E NY state.90*and a little above and I'm done.75-80 is just about right for me.Spent 2 months in India in the early '60s.110*+ every day.After a week flight surgeon put me on light duty for a few days and in an air conditioned room for the duration.Cold don't bother me too much until -25 to- 30*.
I did fine with the heat up until I hit about 45, thats when I started really noticing the heat getting to me.
I thought because I have worked out doors all my life I would do better, but not so.
Now I have to stop and cool down or I get sick from the heat.
This time of year I try to work in shifts when its the coolest.
I even work the night shift to stay out of the heat.
I don't keep the house very cool, just enough to take the edge off.
I think by keeping the house a little warmer helps me deal with the heat.
Another thing that I hate is because it's so hot, when I stop at a place to eat, they have it so cold in there I freeze.

I never liked the cold, even when I was young.
But down here it doesn't stay cold so you cant get acclimated to it.
The few times we have an extended cold spell I seem to do better with it.
I can't seem to acclimate to the heat quite so well.
The beach water in Galveston was 87 degrees today.
I'll see how it goes the next couple days. tomorrow not too bad, mid 80s but back to low 90 Sunday. I will put down a big Willow that will fall into his field in another year or two. This one will be out in the sun. All the others were in shade. Out at 6 and come back about 9:30 if I make it that far. Be at least two days of such short hours to clear the top out of the field.

Finished up the one I was working one today - totaled about 1 1/4 cord (and 5 cords of brush it seems like :)).
Harry K
I used to cut wood all summer down in north Florida and sell it fall/winter, but that was a long time ago!

Now I'll just wait until Oct to start cutting. Have plenty of other stuff to do...
Lucky I guess heat oen't bother me too much and can take cold, up to a pt! But secret is dressing right! And in the heat plenty of fluids and keeping the head covered! Cut wood a good part of today and loaded some big oak and managed OK! Very fortunate at 64!!