
Arborist Forum

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what do you think?

  • right on Sanborn, I'm tired of the BS

    Votes: 23 57.5%
  • Well it is getting worse, but not as bad as it has been

    Votes: 6 15.0%
  • What nastyness? Go away and let us have our fun!

    Votes: 9 22.5%
  • Ok, I was a bad boy, and I'll try to be better.

    Votes: 2 5.0%

  • Total voters
My ''right on the money'' comment was aimed ONLY at Rockys first paragraph.:angel:

I read most of the input at Treeb*zz, but I do not post.

''I think'' that you are correct Guy. I took a few steps back and now I see the light.

Tom- I'm glad you didn't come down hard on me. I didn't know it was you who wrote that, just remember seeing it once. When you type I listen. I was just running off at the mouth,nothing more. If you dig Nancy Griffith's folkness as I also do you may enjoy Eva Cassidy, another really good folky singer songwiter.

Good night folk.:eek:
Guys, thanks for all the good things to say. Joe, I don't know what you are getting at, but I meant what I said. Tom, I agree. Two different websites, with similar ideas, but they fill different holes on the net. I never came out to bash any of the other sites. I am just pointing out our philosophy. No biggy.
I like this site MUCH better! :)

Good job, Darin!
The I.S.A Arborist Certification program is getting recognition through at least 2 popular tree publications at local book stores. The 2 publications are written under the Ortho series, and the Sunset series, both written for homeowner tree and plant care and selection. I scanned the books written about tree pruning. Both publications in the series directly uses the International Society of Arboriculture as a primary source when searching for a qualified tree care company to work in trees for a homeowner. They also state the companies and/or individuals hired should be certified by the I.S.A. I.S.A. Arborist Certification is becoming recognized as an accepted credential for hiring qualified people to care for trees.

Darin: The thread starting with the above post was deleted from the forums? Why?

I couldn't tell you. If it was all that bad, I would have deleted both times you posted it in this thread.
I remember seeing the post, Tried searching for it, but No Joy:confused: .

Was not my doing either.

Was it in the Reidiential forum? I searched thye whole board with several different strings.