Time to talk or walk
People will prey, or unconciously take advantage of those with a good nature and a right moral attitude.
You have to do what you know is right for yourself, but do your market research first. Figure out your options - S.W.O.T. analysis - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats for each situation
1. If you stay, you HAVE to really talk to this guy, write it down, go in knowing what you want to say and what you want. Do not let him 'fob' you off with passing comments or have a conversation while he's standing with one foot in the Porshe prior to going home, book a time for a proper sit down meeting. be fair but firm. you have to have an ace in the hole, if you say someone else will pay you $20 and he says 'have a good life', you better have that option lined up! Do not burn your bridges, keep the high ground and be polite, you never know when they will be back in your life in the future or even meet your expectations now!
2. If you want to go, research the market FIRST, is there someone else you can work for SAFELY? Can you work and save? Can you go out on your own starting small? I started with a climbing kit, two saws and my confidence all packed on a scooter with my hubby, now I have a van packed with $5000 of kit, contacts and a good reputation and plenty of work.
In the meantime, keep studying for your Certs., that will always help, regardless. I had tucked away lots of training while working for a College, it helped them at the time and helped me now! Its a TWO WAY street!
I worked as landscape manager for a great little hotel for four years, starting pay was great, eveyone was nice, it was a good foundation and I had lots of independence, and three staff, BUT I never got a proper raise, and finally figured I was making less after four years than when I first started, due to annual increases in benefit deductions. I had to have the big meeting with the boss, I knew what I wanted, but they couldn't pay it. I had another company alerted to the fact I was going to be doing this, when I didn't get what I needed, we parted ways very amicably and the other company were ready with the jump net!
People can be real nice to work for, give you opportunities and you grow professionaly in their company, BUT there comes a time when the situation stagnates and as much as you all may respect each other you HAVE to look out for your OWN welfare, give them a chance to ante up, BUT have your fallback position ready.
GOOD Luck, keep your cool,