We are a two man operation. I climb. Before I was the climber, I was the ground guy in a two man operation. I had it set in my head that if he can climb to get a branch, I should generally be able to move it to the truck in the same amount of time. At least for trims. I tried to keep up as best I could. Generally did well with it. I really hustled. I didnt feel I should ask the climber to be doing ground work after he got down. Sometimes he would help for a few minutes, usually I handled it pretty well. My ground guy has excellent judgement and does an excellent job of roping, but I suspect he's dragging his feet so that I can do a lot of the ground work with him when I'm done climbing. He has never done any climbing and doesn't understand just how gruelling it can be. I totally love it, dont misunderstand me, but its 50 times more difficult than ground work. Generally, less than 1/3 of the ground work is done when I get down from a trim. I've pretty much never come out of the tree to find the ground work nearly complete. Getting out of the tree means the work is a little better than half way over for the day. I know most crews have two or three ground guys, but we cant really afford that just yet, and we're getting a ton done with the two of us. What do you guys expect of your ground guys?