One step at a time...
Let us "Agree to disagree." We have life-times of experience and knowledge, and want to make sure others decisions are made correctly using all of the information we share with them.
This particular tree has many tree around it - I would have liked to get a more "isolated" picture of it, but every time I backed up in a different direction, another tree blocked my view. This is one reason, my opinion, that the tree hasn't failed. I believe this tree, if standing alonn in a field somewhere, would have failed already.
Some tree person has been involved with this tree for many years. Cables, cement (don't laugh, knowledgable people thought this a good solution many years ago) pruning, etc. I can see what has been done, but don't have the reasoning behind it. Perhaps the city could look into past records to see if there are records on this tree. The side-walk was recfigured to go around the tree many years ago, so efforts had been made to preserve the tree far before I showed up.
I am going to take the next step and physically show others waht we "see".
I will use my independent and objective judgement to make proper comments, and then I believe the correct decision will be made.
One more point to remember; I am being paid to do "just-so much" If either or both parties want more, then I will bring on the calvary. I am already giving them a very good deal on what they are receiving. I get paid well, but will receive more for additional time (i.e meeting from the tree.) Hopefully they will want to do this.
Thanks again.