Exactly. A lot of people here both buy and sell on ebay and it isn't always the sellers that are jerks. Having a way to get the info out here would protect us all but this weird telling of half stories is pretty annoying.
I could even show you where the buyers user name on ebay was the same as the one used here at one time on ebay too. But that shouldn't be needed. I'd say. :help:
But since the truth is varying here.
bahmi9 Jan-18-07 Present
mljanket8pml Feb-05-04 Jan-18-07
********@yahoo.com Feb-24-00 Feb-05-04
Makes you wonder about all the misinformation that was dished out on this thread. Come in whining for help and send everyone on a wild goose chase. :taped:
Oh and BTW, thinly veiled racism isn't really much different from regular racism.
I did not have a fruitful discussion with the Paypal rep yesterday. I'm not a racist but the lady has a lack of familiarity with the English language and it was durn near impossible to understand what she was saying and what her inflections really meant. Personally, eBay leaves tons to be desired and so does Paypal.
Dittooh yes, I got one more thing out or it. Add bahmi9 to my blocked bidder list![]()
Makes you wonder about all the misinformation that was dished out on this thread. Come in whining for help and send everyone on a wild goose chase. :taped:
I don't know msjanket personally, but he just told us that he WAS NOT racist.
And I choose to believe him. He must have known someone might jump on him and ACCUSE him without knowing him.
After all that is what we learn from the media and all this pc crap.
So he was right, you actually accuse him of "thinly veiled racism"
I say that aint to cool bub!
Well,there ya go,Paypal .If you use a US postal money order and get defrauded,it's called mail fraud,a felony.If they insist on Pay pal,find another seller,there are many.
I've had to remind a few people of this fact of mail fraud .They always seem to see it my way after this startteling revelation.
Maybe the guy lives alone in a small cabin or his van for that matter with no phone and it's the only way he can sell on ebay.His feedback looks good.6days? Be a little more patient.
I've bought and sold for over 6 years on ebay and I don't see any red flags yet.
Paranoid maybe?
I have noticed alot of that here lately. and then the guys here feed on it like sharks to blood.
But one thing I have learned in my job, there is always 2 sides of a story.
Seems we have been lied to enough here and in the past feeding frenzy's. To warrent looking into it first, before stabbing the sellers to death.
I was even burnt once by a saw off ebay, but i learned how to rebuild it right here on this site from the info given to me, by the good people with the know.![]()