Forgot we used to call them the Green Bean tree. An old Friend of mine called them Western Hardys later I saw in a book to something of that affect.+2 Catalpa, or as i call them. Green bean tree.
Forgot we used to call them the Green Bean tree. An old Friend of mine called them Western Hardys later I saw in a book to something of that affect.+2 Catalpa, or as i call them. Green bean tree.
I would double check if that is truly Cherry. Callery Pear or Bradford Callery Pear. Fools many people is knoxious in my notion and will put fruit on that looks like young cherry but never matures to "Cherry" One difference is the wood is to white not the rich dark color of cherry.
When you get a catalpa cut into lumber and find the right customer you should be able to match or double Black Walnut prices. Try to harvest it for the novelty wood it is.
what kindof cherry is that, doesnt that bark flake off.
Looks like Pin Cherry from here Del.
Looks like Pin Cherry from here Del.
Looks like Pin Cherry from here Del.
what kindof cherry is that, doesnt that bark flake off.
I wonder if cherry is related to the birch family? What I am calling pin cherry seems quite similar to yellow birch as far as the bark is concerned. Plus the leaves and crown seem to be similar.
Black cherry seems to have a more potatoe chip type of bark. Cherry, unlike birch is a flowering tree.
Looks like Black Birch to me.
I guess it's black cherry in at my place, just a second I'll go cut one down and check it out toopin cherry bark....looks like what I have been cutting, but the ones I took down had to be at least 40 feet tall:
was just looking that might be right based on the bark, but I also found a pic of black cherry....
and there are several trees just like the one in the picture above. when I go back i'll cut one down and check it out.
Just cut that one too and quit messing around.interesting. maybe you're right(?)
there's another big one standing. if I go back today, i'll take a close up of it and post it.
damn, learning some thing new every day here!