Another YouTube "How to" video

Arborist Forum

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A guy can learn a lot from videos etc. however falling and falling safely is something that very few can learn from watching Joe Bob McDingus swing an axe at grandma's plum trees. There are just to many variables to say if i do this than x will happen. Anybody that has fell more than a few trees has had at least one go the wrong way (come on admit it!). Most of us are just lucky enough to walk away in more or less one piece...
As to the age of the Doug fir. I can't say. But I've cut Lodge Pole pine in muskegs in Southeast that were 16" on the stump and over 300 years old. Cut lots of Yellow Cedar 4' on the stump that was in the 700 year old range. The White Fir in the video was fast growing 2nd or 3rd growth.
I guess I'm so used to totin a rosco that I didn't even notice. Now I gotta watch :msp_thum:msp_ohmy:bup:it again.

I haven't heard anyone but me refer to their piece as a Rosco in a long time. A guy I used to work with 15 years or so ago used the term, and it stuck with me.:msp_thumbup: