Perhaps, I assumed sharpening big chippers and scratchers might be a prerequisite for posting on an antique saw thread, silly me. I must admit I suck on square chisel or race chains in general, although that's not my bag. I have to talk to you about some of the old goats that used to hang here in my time. I hope they're all OK. BillG, Thall, ...., etc, etc.
Well, I'm still kinda hit and miss on some old chipper chains getting them to cut decent. I had some Mac 1/2" chain that I never could get to cut worth a tinkers Damn.. Finally had to put it on a grinder with a extreme side plate angle grind and ground the rakers really down as well.
I think I could have ground the rakers completely off and the Poulan Super 72 wouldn't have even noticed.

As to the Scratcher chain, I have watched Chris do them and that's it, that stuff is just a pain. Glad I never had to deal with it.
I did just get some Allis Chalmers chainsaw service manuals this week and found they do have sharpening instructions for the bladesaw blades, found that interesting.