Born in 47 you bet i still use wood for heat 100%. Started out by me laying behind my grand dad's big stove when i was a kid, lol. Then when my folks got their own house i was introduced to a wood pile. Dad would have a truck load of ''lilly pads'' or trimmed butts delivered and it was my job to help him split them, and get em stacked. Prior to that, i always helped dad get the wood to the house as a kid. Nothing i enjoy anymore than getting up early in the morning in the winter and getting that first fire started in the morning. Its nice and cool in the house, i normally lay the wood out the night before, and start out fresh in the morning. By the time the wife gets up its nice and warm in the house. She's up about an hour after me. I'm a light sleeper, so, getting up 2-4 times a night is nothing unusual for me. I really enjoy getting my wood, in, as well, i've got several saws, lots of axes, wedges, and a splitter to boot. In the fall or early spring i get my winters wood in, so i'm ready for the cold, wet days the PNW has . I'm really blessed to be very healthy, and able, and have the desire to continue to get my own wood. Really enjoy splitting it, stacking it, and using it. The satisfaction of looking out the window at a big stack of split wood, covered and dry. Plus, my wood shed packed full of great wood, very seasoned is extremely satisfying for me. Especially if we have a cold , snowy winter