Any of you boys ever work on a Stihl TS760 ?

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Maybe this will help
Cool Cool Cool Thanks for that.

I have ordered 11 and 14 , because one or the other has to be leaking. Hope I can get them.

But, seems to me if the front tank is empty that it would suck air from that direction ? Check valve in the vent as they call it, but the plastic fitting that goes in the tank hose?

And, the tank vent in the sump line is actually inside the tank. So, how is that supposed to work ?

Anyhow, I am going to replace it as built because it has been working for 40 years that way.

If that does not correct the issue I'll just declare too dumb to fix it.
Machines with the
tank vent
must always be equipped with the
caps to ensure
correct operation of the system...

I wonder if a leaking gray filler cap, ie bad washer could be an issue.

Anyhow, slowly but surely. Thanks again Stihltech. Sorry for being a smartass.
Just not built that way. If it doesn't address the issue, it is a waste of time IMHO. I get in trouble for being direct.
This is the issue, now fix it.
Well, I replaced both fuel lines from the "tank vent" . The one to the carb and the front tank.
Rebuilt the carb. Runs fine with a line straight in to the fill cap.
So, that is all that is left.

The line in the tank with the tank vent with insert and grub screw inside the tank, and the plastic tank vent as the call it that pushes in to the inside line like an 031 or whatever. That is on order. They show the tank vent available, but not the in tank line. That would be at Mid Atlantic Stihl, so may have somewhere else.

Anyhow, it really annoys me when I can't get something sorted out. Time really not an issue because this is just something to do anyway.

I'll let you and Chevy know what happens with it eventually, good or bad.
Going back to Stihltech tech update, this saw seems to have the correct parts except for the gray oil tank cap.

Instead it has the orange OIL tank cap and there is no vent in it at all.

The correct tank vent in main tank installed to day. Made no difference. The in tank line should be here shortly.

But, I am beginning to think no tank vent on the oil fill cap which was re engineered to do that.

Orange is certainly incorrect according to the bulletin. So, on it goes.
Well, I ordered the correct oil tank vent conversion vent cap off e Bay. The new in main tank line should come in shortly.
So, we will see if we can sort this out. Simply a mystery, nothing more.

In the meantime ya'll can argue about how much oil, octane, angle to sharpen chains, bar oil, .325 vs 3/8 , whatever
Well, it finally beat me. Replaced every fuel line, impulse line, filters. Rebuilt carb.

Took carb back apart today. Don't see anything wrong.

I got it where you can keep it running if you keep goosing the throttle, accelerator pump maybe, but it will not hold wide open. Carb is NLA Tillotson.

Anyhow, pisses me off to give up on anything. But, I don't know what else to do.

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