I didn't realize folks planted Bushes for ornamentals or in small plots.
I have checked V-bulletin and several dozen Ag sites, and it's a Row crop world out there. Blueberrys are still a specialty crop, so it figures.
I have a small 20 acre operation, 13 acres( around 14,000 bushes) producing, 5 acres of 5 year olds that are coming into production.
Varietys are typical for around here. Blue crop, Jerseys, three rows of Patriots for tinkering, and a row of "Antiques" Darrows and Dixies just for Pies and baking, and family picking.
On good years, we get around 7-8,000 lbs per acre, and now that I have irrigated the whole patch, have gotten 8,600lbs an acre for the last three years.
Anybody tinker with the Miller Foliar or the seaweed based Foliar Fertilizer program???
Japaneese Beetle strategys?
Mine is simple. Provado as soon as July 10th through end of harvest, then Imidan as labeled for a "Nuke" when needed.
New Cultivars?
The Patriots are gaining my respect and interest.
I might fallow 4acres of old Jerseys then replant with the Patriots after a year.
Do you guys direct market, or process market?
Eat more Blueberrys!!!!!!!