Is there anyone with a Woodmaxx kinetic splitter willing to provide a review?
I split about 10 cord a year of medium sized and straight oak, and it seems like the perfect machine at a good price point. Can anyone provide real-world feedback?
I can not give a review of the woodmaxx, as I too am a SuperSplitHD user.
As other have said, kinetic splitters are wonderful, and looks to fit your splitting profile of medium size wood.
Kinetics are very ergonomic.
They stand tall, so you can work with a straight back.
There is a table that allows working from either side.
The table extends well beyond the wedge, so splits fall to each side on the table, within reach to re-split without moving, without stepping or walking.
The table is also wide enough to slide one piece to the side and re-split the other.
Another plus is the overall footprint is fairly small for storage inside.
They are pretty smooth and actually enjoyable to run, as they are quite efficient.
There are drawbacks to kinetic splitters.
They do not lift or split monster rounds.
They also do not tow well for the most part, or move very easily.
And probably should be kept inside when not using, which means moving them more.
As far as differences in manufactures, others have covered that very well.
I learned of kinetics from posts on this site.
I chose SuperSplit because I've yet to hear of a breakdown failure from SuperSplit owners, other than bearing issues on the push plate.
I too have had these issues initially, and place it in the learning curve/break-in category of new ownership.
Previously I have posted three modifications I've done to the SuperSplit. Two address the mobility issue adding forklift tubes, and later a four-wheel mod.
The third was adding UHMPE to the table for re-splitting. This $100. mod is delightful.
These are all easy bolt-on mods that could just as easily be removed.
Another plus of kinetic splitters is the simplicity.
A 6 hp engine, belt drive (which offers engine protection if you jamb).
No hydraulic valves, hoses, filters, condensation, hydraulic oil over flow out the breather if not level side to side.
No big engine to maintain and feed.
I also like supporting the small family owned guy when I can vs the big box store.
This post is just that.