After I closed my first shop up in the mid nineties, I worked at a shop in a neighboring town, and got laid off in the winter. Being stupid and not wanting
to file for unemployment, I applied for a maintenence position at the local Sylvania plant, and was told, that since I had no formal machinist school
training, that they would not hire me in that capacity, and they were not
hiring at the moment for the factory lines either, but I might stand a chance of getting on if I came to work there as a temp, so I did.
I busted my a ss there trying to make a good impression,and quickly made friends there with the maintenence guys, as this was a brand new line
going in, and there was a lot of down time, and I was of some help to them.
One night, one of the main gizmos locked up and the spindle that was locked
up was not in stock. I asked the guys how it was made, and suggested they may get it going by replacing the bearings, and they set about removing the spindle. all of the other temps were sent home for the night, I was allowed to
stay and clean up, etc.
I came back around and all of the maintenence guys were there around the
one bench, and they were taking turns trying to remove the bolt holding this
large aluminum cogged gear/pulley on and not having much luck. I swept around there so I could observe. All of them were new hires, and all had
a bright shiny new craftsman box and new tools that had never been dirty,
and the shift foremen were getting cranky.
While they were talking about how to hold this thing without damaging
it, I asked,"Any of you guys have an impact wrench?"
From their expressions, I knew that it was , NO.
I told them I might have mine in the truck and ran out to see.
I didn't, but went back in and asked if I could borrow their ratchet, and asked
for a rubber mallet or similar. Asked if I could tap on his ratchet, and 3-4 taps
later was threading the bolt out, handed him back his tools, grabbed my broom, and started sweeping off down the line, going sideways every now and
again to observe the crowd.
Makes me giggle thinking about it.
They never did hire me though......................
Nobody likes an ass I guess.......