Anyone run both the OEM 372xp and the clone side by side.

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That's funny, cause I saw a catastrophic flurry of epic proportions over about a five year period where sawhands were left out in the cold by husky after their brand new saws burnt up or had bottom end failures after only a few days on the job. Nearly none of them could last a season, or maybe 1/3 perhaps up to 1/2 to be fair. They became throwaway saws. One season (if they lasted) and down the road they went. Bad gas, apparently. Right.

since you have no direct experience, or claim not to, perhaps you should educate yourself.

5 series saws were a mess to start with, and it continued for years, then the autoboom started...

I don't know how you cannot know this. Perhaps you talk the talk but haven't done the walk, idk.
I had nonproblems what so ever with the early 562XP I owned and it got that snot ran out of it.
There's so many reviews here and vids of guys cutting wood with the clones.

I put a cheap Chinese top end for a time on my 357xp... And it also ran fine and cut wood. I thought it was great. Until I went back to OEM. The performance is noticeably better, but I wouldn't have noticed if I didn't have experience with both top ends.

So many of the vids racing the clones and OEM aren't valid imo. Many of them are not stock. Guys have replaced a lot of components including the top end and carburetor. At that point you might as well just buy OEM.

The impression that I get from most of the guys posting YouTube videos about their Holtzforma G372 is that they have never run a OEM one. It starts, it cuts wood, they think it's great.

To me though they don't look and sound like a Husqvarna XP in wood in the vids. They bog down, stall out, seem lower rpm, less power... They look a lot like my 357 with the garbage top end.

Yet most of the videos proclaim they are identical.

Has anyone owned both a stock 372xp and one of the clone G372's?

How close do they perform stock?

The only objective YouTube vid I could find was a guy who wasn't much into tinkering with chainsaws or even adjusting the carburetors. He bought a clone 372 and an OEM and was climbing with them running them side by side. It was very clear the clone was a dog compared to the OEM. The comments blamed it on the carburetor just being too rich. But if you didn't have an OEM right next to it, most people probably wouldn't have noticed.

Anyone run both?
7 year's ago I had a bunch of 371/372 oem parts and bar's/chains
And it seemed like everybody wanted stupid money for builder's
So I bought some of the 365/372 complete saws 200.00 shipped back then
It seemed like some of the clone 365s were stronger than the clone 372s and some of the clone 372s
We're equal to my oem 372s
Some not.
There's no consistency in the china stuff I used oem cylinder kits on a couple
Or ported some of the china kits or used cut down 268/272 pistons which these are not the strongest but by far the easiest 70cc saws I've ever started.
I ran them a few years then gave several of them to family to run there's no resale in clones.
Other than weak chainbrake springs they have been reliable
Lost one coil a couple of start/stop switches and a few impulse and fuel lines had to be replaced.
Mine have paid for themselves but you have to be willing to tinker on them.
Yep was very close to my OEM OE one. OEM with Mahle top still faster in cuts. But dang the $400 G372xp pro was right on the heels. Both had muffler mods and oem was a bigger mm.

Only on 2nd tank on both when checked. OEM OE. .045 140psi
The white was .041 and others had with white .046 to compare. 2nd tank too 130psi.

If you can get over the crazy carbon look of the pro version. Worth the extra over the plain jane ones to me.

Rebuilt this oe 372 and ran it against this chusky IMG_20230401_131801589_HDR.jpg
The chusky has a hyway popup piston the oem a duke's plated pistonIMG_20230401_095119819_HDR.jpg
Both were identical in power maybe the oe will pull ahead when the rings seat
How did it compare our of the box before the mods and tuning?
That was 6 year's ago It was fine I ran a 24" and cut a lot with it
and was just trying different pistons and cylinders
The hyway added some torque
But wasn't necessary
It ran good from the factory
I got my 200.00 worth.
A OEM 372 has better port timing numbers than a clone cylinder. Thus the oem will out run the clone. Match up all the port numbers, proper tuning, matched coils, and proper functioning carburetor will provide identical performance from oem or clone. Realistically, oem has quality control an materials on its side.

I’ve run a 372 clone and a 365. The 365 had more power.
I find this answer to be pretty spot on. Our 372 clones run greet but not equal. Y stock muffler mod only 2013 372xp X-torque. The clone that got some port work base gasket removed muffler mod and cleaned up castings runs pretty close to the oem saw.

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