Arboriculture--how do you pronounce it?

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Arboriculture--how to pronounce the word?

  • Ar'-ber-culture. 4 syllables

    Votes: 20 46.5%
  • Ar-bor'-i-culture. 5 syllables

    Votes: 22 51.2%
  • I don't use the word and I don't care.

    Votes: 1 2.3%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by M.D. Vaden
I usually try to say things the right way.

It's 5 syllables, with an accent or stress on the 1st and 4th syllables.

The second is not pronounced "bor" but more like "burr" or "buhr".

Careful. With language, particularly spoken language, there is no RIGHT way. Language is an evolving organic creature, and all modern dictionaries are descriptive (of what is currently in use) rather than prescriptive (defining what is "proper").

Both the American Heritage and Merriam-Webster dictionaries list two pronunciations: with the primary accent on the either the first or the second syllable, pronounced either 'ber' or 'bor' respectively.

A web search, however, brings up lots of sites with both 'arborculture' and 'arboriculture', though the latter spelling seems to be the more "official" one.

If I were in the business, I'd choose "arborculture". It's less pretentious.

- Robert
I voted for the 4 sylable, but I pronounce it "Ar-bri-culture" It might be better spelled Arb'riculture.

I also much prefer the term "Tree Care." That does quickly define what I do. Also, it sounds more professional than, "tree guy" or "I'm a tree cutter." It also opens up the floor. "Oh, tree CARE?"


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