Arboriculturist or Arboriculturalist?

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Stephen we advertise as Arboricultural Machinery Specialists. Every time we send an ad with the word arboricultural it comes back to us to check as word is not listed anywhere. Are we in an industry that is that new? As far as I know trees have always grown, and yes always been cut down. Funny that, the industry is top of the list as far as safety, prosecution and OTT regulations are concerned ( our beloved HSE )' but bottom of the list as being recognised as a very professional and demanding (mentally and physically) job that many an experienced aboriculturalist has spent years studying.

i'm a woodcutter or tree surgeon at work, an arborist when talking to new folk, sounds fancier, not that i'm vain.

For a "cultural" part to be included in a word, it would involve an entire group of people - a culture; a clan.

Aboriculturist is the "individual" related word.
Arboriculture-The scientific cultivation of trees.
Arborculturist-One who cultivates trees
Arborist-One who makes trees his study or who is versed in the knowledge of trees
Arborator-One who plants or prunes trees
From Websters New Twentieth Century Dictionary..Second Edition 1966..Original copyright 1904
thank you Sheshovel...glad you found those in the dictionary.

Looks like my english teacher succeeded in getting enough into my head so that I could at least come close to figuring the defintion of a word!
Hey, Steve. Could have saved you this. Bought a book at the Capel Manor college when you were with me called "The Arboriculturalist's Companion" by N.D.G.James, so back to the drawing board, Hmmm!
Tom Dunlap said:
That's Dunl-AAAA-p to my friends :) American version not Scottish

In Scottish, thats what a dog does when its finished having a drink :p

;) Dun Lap 'ing' ;)

Sorry, sort of just came to me...

...what does that say about me?

P.S. it might help, if you mimic a Jock, when you say it.
stephenbullman said:
ok i always thought it was arboriculturalist but apparently this word isnt in the dictionary, at least not mine, and its quite a substantial one. ive also checked online dictionaries and its in none of them. So is it actually a word or what!?!

I suggest you keep on using whichever version of the word you prefer.

It appears to me, the way new words are selected for inclusion in the dictionaries is people power, lots of us folk using them.

When you think about some of the recent words included :dizzy:
Yours, either version are informative/descriptive.

Keep on using, get your own entry...

'Arboculturist (sp) - StephenBullman'

That says it all :angel:
Caledonian said:
In Scottish, thats what a dog does when its finished having a drink :p

;) Dun Lap 'ing' ;)
In US southernspeak, it's a disease that happens to older guys. Their belly done lapped over their belt.

Now used to describe trunk tissues growing over a girdling root. :(
Caledonian said:
'Arboculturist (sp) - StephenBullman'


Good grief, that's done it now, he's going to go on and on about this now
"here, what's an arboculturist?"
" That'll be a StephenBullman"
Hi I have just been reading all the all the replies and I thought I would take a look in my dictionary, it says that arboriculture is broken down into L- Arbor, tree +cultura, culture. The scientific cultivation of trees and shrubs and that the noune for this is, wait for it! Arboriculturist. So not wanting to rock anybodys boat the collins pocket dictionary does say arboriculturist.:laugh:
Say whAAAAt Tom?

Am I in the "friend" group? What one does when the snow is pelting down for a few laughs.

JPS, how come you ain't out in the snow axen' down a big popple like any big lumberjack should be doin'?!

Now I just got a call from da school - rats, the boys are coming home at noon - no more slackin!

Time to play in the snow and go sleddin' and boardin - or however any of u want to spell it!
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: