Never saw the documentary, but the faller cert, in my opinion is a scam. I can see how it evolved. In the past, all the big companies had their own fallers, who were trained on the job. As the cost of falling skyrocketed for the companies, due to WCB and union crap, they decided to contract out, but there were still older trained fallers in the system. The older fallers retire, and there are fewer experienced hands to do the training. So you end up with guys getting hurt due to inexperience and lower levels of training.
Then you add a tough economy for the forest industry and the big boys start putting pressure on the falling contractors for production, but due to environmental factors, they are now working in much tougher terrain. So you have an increase in injuries due to the terrain and production pressures.
Take these three factors, terrain, inexperience and production pressure and you get a few guys killed. Now here comes the next big factor, media. The forest industry is a tough industry and there has always been fallers getting killed. But now, someone (and I suspect it was the union) made a big issue to the media, who sensing a sensational story, played it up. The story gets played up (gets legs in the media lingo) and now we have a 'crisis'. Well, once you have a crisis, then government has to react and do something, and usually in this situation it is not a good thing for the industry.
So this is how government reacted, by making training mandatory.
It is a classic case study in how governments operate.